Vaig haver de tornar a portar el meu ordinador a la botiga…/I had to take my computer back to the shop…

Doncs si, després de tot el meu ordinador nou es negava a treballar. De cop sortien unes línies a la pantalla, i si li donava al ‘reset’, en comptes d’engegar-se només es sentia un soroll que es posava a les orelles de mala manera!! El vaig haver de portar a la botiga altre cop, i al final resulta que una de les targetes de memòria RAM era dolenta o algo així. Bé, de moment funciona, i que duri!!

Yes, after all my new computer refused to work. All of a sudden there were lines all over the screen, and when I hit the ‘reset’ button, instead of starting the computer again, there was only a noise which got into my ears really bad!! I had to take it back to the shop, and eventually I was told that one of the RAM units was bad, or something to that effect. Well, right now it works, and I hope it does for a long time!!

  1. Dont’t worry, Nuri. You’re not the only one with problems with the computer. That’s part of our society! Everything we do we use  computers more and more (from to comunicate to buy).
    I’ve used computers for ages at job. I also use it for my hobbies. But when I bought a new one some months ago I really had serious problems. It was like to have a new machine I didn’t understand. I felt like the first people who saw a TV, I supose.
    I arrived at home with my new computer, I installed it (that was pretty!) and… I did not know how to configurate it! My God! I stayed a week without computer because a technigian from the shop had to come and installed it. I realised it was like to buy a book without knowing to read.
    At the end, I understood that it was another exemple of this technological capitalist society we live in.

  2. vicent |

    dilluns, 17 de juliol de 2006 | 19:57h

    "Imagina que cada dijous les teues sabates explotaren després
    d’haver-te-les lligat de la forma que ho fas sempre, sense explicació
    sobre el motiu. I que aleshores el sabater encara culpara la teua
    ignorància com a causa del sinistre. Això ens passa cada dia amb els
    ordinadors i ningú no sap ja ni com reclamar responsabilitats."

    De fet no saps ja ni si paga la pena reclamar responsabilitats.

    Per cert la frase (aproximada) és de Jef Raskin.

    Això és el que avui mateix ha posat al se blog (Mails per a Hipàtia) en Vicent Partal que és un dels factotums de vilaweb

  3. If it was something related to the RAM I believe that it wouldn’t work.

    Nevertheless there is a general tendency to blame on manufacturing errors whenever the so-called technicians don’t have a clue about how to fix a problem.

    At the end they usually go, Well, just try control+alt+delete.  But I already did it twice !  In that case we’d better reinstall Windows just in case.

    Ever heard this story before ? J

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