Publicat el 24 de juny de 2006

És que els homes no porten xancletes de platja?/ Don’t men wear beach sandals?

Fa calor. Ahir a la tarda també feia calor. Que què feia jo doncs ahir a la tarda caminant amunt i avall? Doncs buscava unes xancletes de platja per regalar. No vaig pensar mai que això seria una empresa tant difícil. Vaig visitar, pel cap baix, cinc sabateries: res!! En una no tenien el seu número, en l’altra no tenien calçat pel gènere masculí, en una altra totes eren "de les de dit", que tan de moda estan… (i tan incòmodes com són!), en una altra encara no en tenien…(que potser les tindran pel setembre?). En fi, que vaig acabar comprant-les en una botiga d’esports. Quan vaig a la platja (i sobretot a la piscina) veig que els homes porten xancletes…A tots els costa tant, de trobar-les??

It’s hot. Yesterday afternoon it was hot as well. Then what was I doing yesterday afternoon walking back and forth? Well, I was looking for a couple of beach sandals to buy as a present. I never thought this would be so dificult a job!! I went to, at least, five shoe shops: nothing!! In one shop they didn’t have the right number, in another one they didn’t have anything for men, in another one all of them had that annoying tire between the big toe and the other toes (as uncomfortable as they are!) in yet another one they didn’t have any yet (maybe they will have them by september?). At last, I bought them in a sports shop. When I go to the beach (and, above all, when I go to the swimming pool), I see that men are wearing beach sandals….Is it that dificult, for all these men, to find them??

  1. Nuri, m’agrada el teu bloc perquè estic estudiant anglès i al ser bilingüe em permet comprovar el meu nivell . Però mante, escrius molt a la llarga, nooo? Anima’t i escriu més sovint.

    I’ll write you in english next time, I hope.

  2. Bones Nuri:
    Primer de tot, indicar-te que comparteixo l’opinió de masaifa pel que fa a poder llegir un bloc en anglès. Ànims! A mi també em costa posar-m’hi sovint.
    Pel que fa al tema de les xancletes, m’estranya molt. Sento que no n’hagis trobat però jo mai no he tingut aquest problema. Potser és degut a que visc tocant al mar.
    En tot cas, mira’t-ho des del punt de vista positiu: pots muntar una botiga on venguis xancletes i segur que faries negoci. Tota la gent que s’ha trobat com tu ja tindria un lloc on anar.
    I hope earing from you early.

  3. Pretty normal, I guess.

    We the guys usually get hold of a pair of beach sandals every five or seven years.  We keep on wearing the same old-fashioned, simple-styled pair until it gets worn out.

    You gals usually get a new pair every season, regardless of the state of the ones you got last year.  In most cases you’re gonna be getting more than one new pair per season just to combine them with your brand new bikini.

    We the guys are not willing to spend over 10 € a pair, while you gals just don’t mind disbursing 30 € in order to get a top-of-the-line model.

    So it’s only a supply and demand issue.  Just drop by Barceloneta and chances are that you’ll be finding a standard 10-euro pair.  Nothing fancy, I guess.  Nothing you’d ever buy for yourself, but probably good enough for a male friend.  It’s the way it works…

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