Publicat el 8 d'agost de 2006

Els incendis d’aquests últims dies a l’Empordà/The fires they have had these last few days in the Empordà

Estic segura que la gran majoria dels incendis que hem tingut aquests últims dies han estat provocats. D’acord, un pot ser fortuït, com el de Sant Climent Sescebes, que diuen que va ésser produit per la guspira d’una màquina, però no em crec que la resta fossin fortuïts o fruit d’imprudències. És massa casual, ja que tots es donen a la mateixa zona!! Hi ha dues opcions: o tots els piromans es posen d’acord d’alguna manera (via internet, potser?) o algun desgraciat es dedica a donar voltes per allí impunement. I que m’en dieu dels incendis a Galícia? No pot ser casualitat. Ho sento, no m’ho crec.

I’m sure that the majority of the forest fires we’ve had these last few days have been started on purpose. Alright, one may be fortuitous, like the one in Sant Climent Sescebes, which they say was started by a spark coming out of a machine, but I can’t believe that the rest of them were fortuitous or the result of negligence!! It’s too much of a coincidence, because all of them are in the same area!! There are two options: either all of the pyromaniacs meet in one way or another (through the internet, maybe?) and agree to do it, or some wretch just goes around there without punishment. And what about the forest fires in Galicia? It can’t be chance. I’m sorry, but I don’t believe it.

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