Raül Romeva i Rueda


Malaurada victòria de la videocràcia de Berlusconi al PE

Avui ha estat un dia trist, molt trist, per a la llibertat de premsa a Itàlia, i a Europa. Berlusconi, un cop més, ha guanyat. Per poc, però ha guanyat. Avui hem votat la Resolució que diversos grups havíem presentat en relació a la llibertat de premsa i la concentració de mitjans a Itàlia. Hi ha hagut moltes esmenes (del PPE) i durant tota la votació hem guanyat tot allò que havíem proposat. És a dir, que el PPE, perdia totes les votacions, fins que hem arribat al vot final. I aquí ha saltat la sorpresa: 335 vots a favor, 338 en contra i 13 abstencions. Hem perdut … per 3 VOTS!!!. Ara toca veure qui, i per què, ha votat contra o s’ha abstingut. La videocràcia de Berlusconiha guanyat aquesta batalla. La guerra, però, segueix oberta. Adjunto la nota que hem fet immediatament després del vot.

PRESS RELEASE – Strasbourg, 21 October 2009

Press freedom

EU Parliament snuffs out resolutions on press freedom

A right-w
ing majority in the European Parliament today succeeded – by a very narrow margin – in rejecting tabled resolutions addressing press freedom in Italyand Europe.

Greens/EFA Vice-president Raül Romevasaid:

“This is a black day for press freedom in Europe. I am bitterly disappointed that a right-wing majority of Conservatives, Christian Democrats and Eurosceptics has succeeded in rejecting EU Parliament resolutions in support of press freedom in Italyand Europe. A call for a EU Directive against concentration of media ownership has therefore been silenced. The votes were very tight but send a far-reaching message that contradicts the fundamental values of the European Union.

Silvio Berlusconi’s control of both government and media in Italyis profoundly undemocratic. A recent court judgment against Berlusconi’s media company and a ridiculous attempt by a Berlusconi channel to discredit the judge are further proof, if any was needed. (1)

While Italy‘s problems certainly stand out, the proposed EU Parliament resolutions addressed the EU as a whole. We demand a free and open press in countries that wish to join the EU. To accept anything less from existing members is hypocrisy.  The Greens hope that a new and vigorous debate on media freedom can arise out of the ashes of this stifling action in the EU Parliament.”

Notes to editors:

(1) Greens/EFA MEPs wore turquoise scarves in the plenary chamber in support of Italian judge Raimondo Mesiano, who ruled against Berlusconi’s media company in a bribery case recently. A TV documentary aired on a Berlusconi-owned channel subsequently shadowed the judge with a narration of insinuating comments attempting to discredit him, commenting even on the turquoise colour of his socks.

Foto: Amb bufanda turquesa, durant la votació de la resolució sobre la llibertat de premsa a Itàlia (Estrasburg, 21 octubre 09). Font: Arxiu propi.

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