La ruta invisible, de Jordi Galli.
Publicat el 10 d'agost de 2024 per vicent montesinos
Well if you ever plan to motor west
Travel my way, take the highway that’s the best Get your kicks on Route 66Well it winds from Chicago to L.A.
More than two thousand miles all the way Get your kicks on Route 66Well it goes to St. Louis, down to Missouri
Oklahoma City looks so, so pretty You’ll see Amarillo, Gallup, New Mexico Flagstaff, Arizona, don’t forget Wynonna Kingman, Barstow, San BernardinoYou get hip to this kind of tip
And go take that California trip Get your kicks on Route 66Well it goes to St. Louis, down to Missouri
Oklahoma City looks so, so pretty You’ll see Amarillo, Gallup, New Mexico Flagstaff, Arizona, don’t forget Wynonna Kingman, Barstow, San BernardinoIf you get hip to this kind of tip
And go take that California trip Get your kicks on Route 66Get your kicks on Route 66
Get your kicks on Route 66 Get your kicks on Route 66 Get your kicks on Route 66 Get your kicks on Route 66Un viatge personal a traves del traçat de l’antiga Route 66 és el que ens proposa en aquest roadbook (m’ho acabe d’inventar?) Jordi Galli. Un recorregut on va apareixent les grandeses d’aquest país, però també les seus misèries, la seua història i/o les seues llegendes (When the legend becomes fact, print the legend).
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