Greece, The Whole Story, by Francis Noel-Baker. (1946)

The Greek civil war might never have happened if the policy in Cairo and London during the occupation had aimed at unifying the resistance movement rather than building up a `nationalist’ opposition to the E.A.M. That policy was largely based on a fear of the extreme left wing. But its result was to make the left (which in Greece, as elsewhere, was bound to be the core of resistance) more extreme, to eliminate the moderates, and to push the `nationalists’ into the arms of the Germans.
Sembla que les errades comeses amb la guerra civil a Espanya es varen tornar a cometre un anys després, i aquesta vegada ja sabien que era el feixisme. Posteriorment, l’autor va entrar a Espanya d’incògnit per fer un informe sobre la situació de l’oposició interior a Franco pel Parlament Britànic, editat en 1948 sota el nom de Spanish Summary.
Una frase que m’ha agradat i que, en la meva opinió, explica la situació actual d’Espanya és la següent:
Fascism and Nazi occupation are a disease. Liberation is not the end of the cure—it is the beginning. It will be years, in Greece and in all the liberated countries, before the process of rehabilitation—material, political, and moral—is finally complete.
Si això ho diu d’un país que només va tenir feixisme des del 1936 fins 1944, que es podria dir d’Espanya? Algú es pot creure ara tantes mentides sobre la transició democràtica?
Finalment, una cosa estranya: posteriorment, l’autor no va ser tan crític com d’ell s’esperava amb la dictadura del coronels grecs, i va deixar el partit laborista.
In April 1967, the democratic west was shocked by a military coup in Greece. The regime established by “the colonels” was widely condemned, but not by Francis, who knew more about politics in Athens than most. He maintained that the colonels’ rule represented reform from the prevalent political corruption, and a way forward for ordinary Greeks. (Obituary at The Guardian ,1-10-2009)