Entre el Túria i el Ridaura

el bloc de vicent

Celso Fonseca. Slow motion bossa nova

Ara que m’he endreçar un poc el piset torne a escoltar música que feia uns dies s’emplenava de pols en caixes de taronges

You’re so good to me
and your love’s the inspiration that I need
Writing songs for you
Is the way I find to thank you for this

Face the music
Dance to the music
now I hear the sound of music
and your kisses take it closer to perfection
You’re beyond imagination
We’re the dream team
you’re so good to me

You’re so good to me
and I hope to give you back the peace of mind
that you give to me
and it feels like Bossa Nova by Jobim

The solution to my dilemma
you’re my girl from Ipanema
inspiration for my samba in slow motion
you’re the top you’re my devotion
my slow motion Bossa Nova dream

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