Club 7 Cinema

Un blog de Salvador Montalt

6 de febrer de 2023
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Berlín 2023: “La herida luminosa” i els altres curtmetratges

La herida luminosa -Déu n’hi do, quin títol, de reminiscències a la Segarra!-, amb coproducció catalana, és un dels vint curtmetratges seleccionats dins de Berlinale Shorts aquest 2023. Es tracta d’una faula contemporània sobre turisme massiu de joves britànics a les Illes Balears a la recerca del sol. Ja es va projectar al ZINEBI (Festival Internacional de Cinema Documental i Curtmetratge de Bilbao) i ara va a Berlín. És el curt de Final de Grau de l’alumne de l’ESCAC Christian Avilés, que també n’ha escrit el guió, n’ha fet el muntatge i n’ha assumit la banda sonora. Està protagonitzat per Sam Zeitlin, Julia Fossi, Dina Serra, Clara Sans, Lily Roberts, Quique Muro, Gloria Sirvent, Julia Mascort, Marcel Borràs i Olalla Escribano.

La secció de curtmetratges del Festival de Berlín (16-26 de febrer) té el seu propi jurat internacional, format per tres membres, que determina els guardonats amb l’Ós d’Or del Curtmetratge i l’Ós de Plata del Curtmetratge, que es lliuren a la Gala dels Premis de tot el Festival. A més, el jurat nomina el candidat de curtmetratge de Berlín als Premis del Cinema Europeu. I el guanyador de l’Ós d’Or es classifica automàticament per participar a la competició del curtmetratge dels Oscar.

Llista -copiada- dels curtmetratges de Berlín 2023:

by Anaïs-Tohé Commaret | with Fatime Coulibaly, Adiara Coulibaly, Foussein Coulibaly, Emma Gonzales-Commaret
France 2022
Berlinale Shorts | International premiere
In suburban housing estates in France, young people are wishing for money and success. Their dreams even clog up the air
conditioning ducts until everything begins to drip. What might happen if you swallow light?

by Yazan Rabee
Netherlands 2022
Berlinale Shorts | International premiere | Documentary Form
He has left his Syrian homeland, but he cannot escape from a recurring nightmare where state security forces are pursuing him while
the home that can save him seems beyond his grasp. How deep into the past do the roots of a trauma reach?

Les chenilles
by Michelle Keserwany, Noel Keserwany | with Masa Zaher, Noel Keserwany
France 2022
Berlinale Shorts | International premiere | Os d’Or al Millor Curtmetratge -i candidat als premis EFA del cinema europeu-.
Two women meet as waitresses and tentatively become friends. They are both from the Levant and living in exile in France. A film
about the Silk Road, about exploitation – then and now – and about female solidarity, friendship and solace.

by Morten Tšinakov, Lucija Mrzljak
Estonia / Croatia 2022
Berlinale Shorts | International premiere | Animation
It is pouring rain at the funeral. There are many tears, too much wine, several woodpeckers and a handful of dreams to fill in the gaps.

From Fish to Moon
by Kevin Contento | with Jean Voltaire, Sue, Nestor, Greg
USA 2022
Berlinale Shorts | International premiere | Documentary Form
A small supermarket somewhere in the American backwoods. The staff come in early, drink coffee and restock the shelves. They chat
about the air conditioning, would like to read poetry in peace and sometimes even get lucky on the slot machine

Happy Doom
by Billy Roisz
Austria 2023
Berlinale Shorts | World premiere
Flickering and pulsating, spitting and swallowing at the same time. The screen becomes a vibrating membrane; colours, shapes, beats
and sounds a psychedelic whirlpool. A short, fast-paced audiovisual ode to the hypnotic power of colour and vertigo.

La herida luminosa (Daydreaming So Vividly About Our Spanish Holidays)
by Christian Avilés | with Sam Zeitlin, Julia Fossi, Dina Serra, Clara Sans, Lily Roberts
Spain 2022
Berlinale Shorts | International premiere | RESSONS.
Driven by their desire for light and warmth, British teenagers take a trip to the Balearic Islands. They must absorb the sun and store it
in their bodies to take it back to their cloud-covered kingdom.

It’s a Date
by Nadia Parfan | with Diana Berg, Olena „Tiger“
Ukraine 2023
Berlinale Shorts | World premiere | Menció Especial del Jurat dels Curtmetratges.
Kyiv in 2022. A car races at breakneck speed through the city at dawn. Filmed from a subjective camera angle in a single unedited
shot, this film captures the emotions in a state of emergency caused by the war.

Jill, Uncredited
by Anthony Ing | with Jill Goldston
United Kingdom / Canada 2022
Berlinale Shorts | International premiere | Documentary Form
At first you do not even notice her; she is one of many. But, little by little, you begin to become aware of her and her special presence.
A tribute to the figures in the background without whom those in the foreground would be unable to take centre stage.

A Kind of Testament
by Stephen Vuillemin | with Naomi Christie, Angela Clerkin, Freida Siddall, Aisha Arden, Bethy Read
France 2023
Berlinale Shorts | World premiere | Animation
A young woman comes across animations on the Internet that have clearly been created from her private selfies. A stranger with the
same name confesses to identity theft. But death is quicker than the answer to the question: “Why?”

Marungka tjalatjunu (Dipped in Black)
by Matthew Thorne, Derik Lynch | with Derik Lynch, Dominic Roberts, Christopher Stewart, Dale Baker
Australia 2022
Berlinale Shorts | International premiere | Documentary Form | Os d’Argent Premi del Jurat dels Curtmetratges | Teddy Award Millor Curt.
The film follows Yankunytjatjara man Derik Lynch’s road trip back to Country for spiritual healing, as memories from his childhood
return. A journey from white city life in Adelaide, back home to his remote Community (Aputula) to perform on sacred Inma ground.

As miçangas (The Beads / Perlen)
by Rafaela Camelo, Emanuel Lavor | with Pâmela Germano, Tícia Ferraz, Karine Teles
Brazil 2023
Berlinale Shorts | World premiere
Two young women retreat to a remote holiday home. While one of them undergoes a medical abortion, the other quietly cares for her.
A snake slithers around them, unnoticed

Mwanamke Makueni (A Woman in Makueni / Eine Frau in Makueni)
by Daria Belova, Valeri Aluskina | with Peter Oluoko, Mary Wanjuku Wambua, Beatrice Nafula, Nancy Syombuak, Daniel Kitonga
Germany 2023
Berlinale Shorts | World premiere
She is in prison, waiting. But he has a long way to travel and arrives too late. He wanders through the strange city, lost, until he meets
a woman who is willing to help him with some gentle magic.

Nuits blanches (Sleepless Nights / Schlaflose Nächte)
by Donatienne Berthereau | with Solène Salvat, Léa Schweitzer, Nans Laborde-Jourdàa, Badis Behi
France 2023
Berlinale Shorts | International premiere
April 2022 in France. The presidential election is entering its final round and the atmosphere is tense. Solène, a waitress, drifts through
the night. She takes drugs, hurts people’s feelings and increasingly loses her grip.

Ours (Bear / Bär)
by Morgane Frund
Switzerland 2022
Berlinale Shorts | International premiere | Documentary Form
An amateur filmmaker meets the film student who is supposed to edit his material, the focus of which is allegedly bears. A debate
arises about the power of the voyeuristic gaze.

Qin mi (Daughter and Son)
by Cheng Yu | with Wuchen Xingzi, Li Minghao
People’s Republic of China 2022
Berlinale Shorts | International premiere
Sachiko and Ming are living together, perhaps they are a couple. They discuss everyday things, slip into different roles and thereby tell
each other about their relationship.

Terra Mater – Mother Land
by Kantarama Gahigiri | with Cheryl Isheja
Rwanda / Switzerland 2023
Berlinale Shorts | World premiere
There she stands, confidently, like a goddess of technological junk, surrounded by endless mountains of rubbish, plastic, stench and
rare earths. Her accusations are angry, composed and to the point.

The Veiled City
by Natalie Cubides-Brady | with Aerynne Eastwood
United Kingdom 2023
Berlinale Shorts | World premiere | Documentary Form
In 1952, London was engulfed in the Great Smog. As a result of industrialisation, a leaden fog settled over the entire city. The archive
images from this period become letters from a desolate future.

The Waiting (Das Warten)
by Volker Schlecht | with Karen Lips
Germany 2023
Berlinale Shorts | World premiere | Animation, Documentary Form
A biologist describes her research into various species of frogs in the rainforest of Central America and their mysterious disappearance
as if it were a criminal case. Brilliantly animated drawings accompany her vivid scientific analysis.

Wo de peng you (All Tomorrow’s Parties)
by Zhang Dalei | with Zhou Xun, Wang Yibo, Zhang Chen, Zhang Huilin
People’s Republic of China 2023
Berlinale Shorts | World premiere
China during the 1990 Asian Games. A cinema screening is taking place at a factory in the evening. The janitor distributes the limited
tickets while a shy poet waits for someone. A gently told, nostalgic portrait.

FOTO: “La herida luminosa”.

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