També amb coproducció catalana, es presenta a la secció Fòrum de la Berlinale 2023 el documental Anga, de Helin Çelik. Tracta de tres dones jordanes que amb prou feines han sobreviscut a la violència que els van infligir els homes. Çelik les filma des de ben a prop, als seus pisos, dels quals rarament surten, escoltant-les com parlen amb la lògica opaca del trauma.
Fòrum és una secció del Festival de Berlín que em supera cada any, perquè esdevé un autèntic calaix de sastre amb un munt de títols, la majoria dels quals passen sense destacar per res, però que els responsables de la secció diu que representen reflexions sobre el mitjà cinematogràfic, el discurs socioartístic i un sentit particular de l’estètica. I hi afegeixen: Els programes del Forum i Forum Expanded pretenen ampliar la comprensió del que és el cinema, posar a prova els límits de la convenció i obrir noves perspectives per ajudar a comprendre el cinema i com es relaciona amb el món de noves maneres. Els programes poden incloure qualsevol cosa que serveixi per a aquests objectius: contemporània i històrica, cinema analògic i digital, art d’instal·lació, performance i música.
Com és habitual, doncs, al programa 2023 de Fòrum, gairebé no es coneix ningú -a priori…-.
La llista -copiada- dels films del Fòrum 2023:
by James Benning
USA 2022
Forum | International premiere | Documentary Form | RESSONS.
In 1908, Allensworth became the first self-administered African-American municipality in California. In lengthy shots, Benning surveys
the buildings (school, church, library) of the now-abandoned town and looks for the traces of a Black cultural history.
by Helin Çelik
Austria / Spain 2023
Forum | World premiere | Documentary Form
“I am not the remains. I exist.” Three Jordanian women barely survived the violence inflicted on them by men. Çelik films them from as
up close as possible in their flats, which they rarely leave, listening to them speak with the opaque logic of trauma.
Arturo a los 30 (About Thirty)
by Martín Shanly | with Martín Shanly, Camila Dougall, Julia Azcurra, Ivo Colonna Olsen, Paul Grinszpan
Argentina 2023
Forum | World premiere
This comedy of errors revolves around a hapless 30-year-old named Arturo. His penchant for indiscretions is as impossible to overlook
as the finesse with which the film glides from March 2020 to the preceding decade and back again.
by Antonio Skármeta
Federal Republic of Germany 1978
Forum Special Fiktionsbescheinigung
In exile in Berlin, Chilean writer Antonio Skármeta celebrates the end of the autocrats: Franco’s death, Idi Amin on the run, the fall of
the Shah. Cheerful farewell rituals accompany others who had faced political persecution on their way to fly home.
Being in a Place – A Portrait of Margaret Tait
by Luke Fowler
United Kingdom 2022
Forum | International premiere | Documentary Form
Luke Fowler’s portrait of Scottish poet and filmmaker Margaret Tait takes its inspiration from her unrealised project about her home
region of Orkney, drawing and riffing on her notes and footage to produce a blissful union of two artistic sensibilities.
The Bride
by Myriam U. Birara | with Sandra Umulisa, Aline Amike, Daniel Gaga, Fabiola Mukasekuru, Beatrice Mukandayishimiye
Rwanda 2023
Forum | World premiere | Debut film | Menció Especial del Jurat de l’Opera prima.
Rwanda, 1997. Three years after the genocide against the Tutsi minority, Eva is kidnapped by a stranger and raped. Her aunts agree to
a forced marriage. When Eva finds a confidante in the form of the man’s cousin, she discovers the family’s traumatic past.
Cidade Rabat
by Susana Nobre | with Raquel Castro, Paula Bárcia, Paula Só, Sara de Castro, Laura Afonso
Portugal / France 2023
Forum | World premiere
When her mother dies, 40-year-old Helena now has time for herself after years of taking care of her family. She works at a film
production company, dances boisterously, gets drunk. A quiet film about letting go morphs into a coming-of-middle-age story.
Concrete Valley
by Antoine Bourges | with Hussam Douhna, Amani Ibrahim, Abdullah Nadaf, Lynn Nanume
Canada 2022
Forum | International premiere
A Syrian family has lived in Canada for five years. As Farah tries to settle in with her community in Toronto, Rashid – an unlicensed
doctor – struggles with the ruptures in his biography. A film about the everyday difficulties in a new country.
Dearest Fiona
by Fiona Tan
Netherlands 2023
Forum | World premiere
As a voice reads letters from a father to his daughter off camera, 20th century archival images from the Netherlands are shown. Fiona
Tan touchingly explores what potential emerges when sound and image diverge.
De Facto
by Selma Doborac | with Christoph Bach, Cornelius Obonya
Austria / Germany 2023
Forum | World premiere | Documentary Form | Premi Caligari Film.
How can cinema deal with complicity in crimes against humanity, extreme violence and state terror without conniving in it? De Facto
finds answers to this question via two actors, a precisely compiled collage of texts and a deliberately reduced setting.
O estranho (The Intrusion)
by Flora Dias, Juruna Mallon | with Larissa Siqueira, Antonia Franco, Rômulo Braga, Patrícia Saravy, Thiago Calixto
Brazil / France 2023
Forum | World premiere
The name of Brazil’s biggest airport, Guarulhos, references the fact that it was built on Indigenous territory. In a blend of realistic and
stylised scenes, the film follows a member of the ground staff as she seeks her roots beneath the runway.
Le Gang des Bois du Temple (The Temple Woods Gang)
by Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche | with Régis Laroche, Philippe Petit, Marie Loustalot, Kenji Meunier, Salim Ameur-Zaïmeche
France 2022
Forum | International premiere
Two neighbours, each as overwhelmed as the other: an ex-soldier grieves for his mother alone while a family father leads a criminal
gang into a heist with fatal consequences. French genre cinema in the desaturated colours of a banlieue façade.
Gehen und Bleiben (Leaving and Staying)
by Volker Koepp | with Judith Zander, Peter Kurth, Heinz Lehmbäcker, Hanna Lehmbäcker, Hans-Jürgen Syberberg
Germany 2023
Forum | World premiere | Documentary Form
Meetings with readers, acquaintances and contemporaries of writer Uwe Johnson at the places where he lived. Volker Koepp, who is
also from Pomerania, looks for Johnson’s sophisticated literary voice in the landscapes of the region they both stem from.
Ein Herbst im Ländchen Bärwalde
by Gautam Bora
German Democratic Republic 1983
Forum Special Fiktionsbescheinigung | Documentary Form | Restored by the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF
Indian director Gautam Bora documents the everyday work and life perspectives of a family of farmers from Brandenburg. An inverted
ethnography on East German agriculture without romanticisation.
Horse Opera
by Moyra Davey
USA 2022
Forum | European premiere
Narrations of parties and nightly lectures meet images of urinating horses and still lives in a country house. The soundtrack – from
Lauryn Hill to Prince – is overshadowed only by Moyra Davey’s laconic voice.
I Heard It through the Grapevine
by Dick Fontaine | with James Baldwin, David Baldwin, Amiri Baraka, Chinua Achebe
USA 1982
Forum Special | Documentary Form | Restored by the Harvard Film Archive
On the trail of the civil rights movement: with typical astuteness and charisma, James Baldwin returns to key locations of protest in the
American South and sees old injustices repeated in new legal frameworks.
Între revoluții (Between Revolutions)
by Vlad Petri | with Victoria Stoiciu, Ilinca Harnut
Romania / Croatia / Qatar / Iran 2023
Forum | World premiere | Documentary Form | Premi FIPRESCI.
A semi-fictional correspondence between two women: one goes to Iran in 1979 to topple the Shah; the other experiences the onerous
years of Ceaușescu’s Romania. Their biographies run in parallel via images of everyday life and videograms of revolution.
Ishi ga aru (There Is a Stone)
by Tatsunari Ota | with An Ogawa, Tsuchi Kanou
Japan 2022
Forum | International premiere
A young woman spends a day in some non-place between town and countryside, has random encounters and watches stones skip over
the surface of the river. Tatsunari Ota’s film explores a world without productivity and finds joy in idle time and playfulness.
Jaii keh khoda nist (Where God Is Not)
by Mehran Tamadon
France / Switzerland 2023
Forum | World premiere | Documentary Form | Premi del Jurat Ecumènic.
A prison cell is set up in an empty room on the edge of Paris. Three former political prisoners from Iran re-enact how they were once
interrogated and tortured. With quiet scepticism, the film asks whether their experiences can be accessed in this way.
El juicio (The Trial)
by Ulises de la Orden
Argentina / Italy / France / Norway 2023
Forum | World premiere | Documentary Form
1985 – two years after the end of the military dictatorship in Argentina, leading members of the junta are tried in court. Ulises de la
Orden creates 18 succinctly edited chapters from 530 hours of footage, bearing witness to state terror.
Der Kampf um den heiligen Baum (The Battle of the Sacred Tree)
by Wanjiru Kinyanjui | with Margaret Nyacheo, Catherine Kariuki, Roslynn Kimani, Titi Wainaina, Ben Ateku
Germany 1995
Forum Special Fiktionsbescheinigung
Mumbi leaves Nairobi for her ancestral village and gets into a quarrel with a Christian women’s group seeking to eradicate the remains
of pre-colonial belief systems. Wanjiru Kinyanjui graduated from the DFFB with this smart comedy shot in Kenya.
Kara Kafa (Black Head)
by Korhan Yurtsever | with Betül Aşçıoğlu, Savaş Yurttaş, Cüneyt Kaymak, Özlem Güler, Macit Flordun
Turkey 1979
Forum Special Fiktionsbescheinigung | Restored by Arsenal – Institute for Film and Video Art in collaboration with bi’bak / Sinema
Transtopia (2021–22)
Korhan Yurtsever’s feature is the story of a family’s disintegration, but also of left-wing activism in the context of Turkish migration to
West Germany. The Turkish censorship office deemed it an insult to “the honour of Germany, our befriended nation”.
Llamadas desde Moscú (Calls from Moscow)
by Luís Alejandro Yero | with Eldis Botta, Juan Carlos Calderón, Daryl Acuña, Dariel Díaz, Luis Alejandro Yero
Cuba / Germany / Norway 2023
Forum | World premiere | Debut film | Documentary Form
A prefabricated estate in Moscow is meant as a transit stop for four young people from Cuba – until Russia’s attack on Ukraine radically
shifts their outlook. Moving telephone calls back home provide the structure for Luís Alejandro Yero’s debut work.
A Lover & Killer of Colour
by Wanjiru Kinyanjui | with Alida Babel
Federal Republic of Germany 1988
Forum Special Fiktionsbescheinigung
“I strike with the brush until the white canvas tears.” Wanjiru Kinyanjui’s fiction short about a Black painter in West Berlin was shot on
16mm and draws its power from its atmospheric night scenes and self-confident stream of consciousness.
by Sebastian Mihăilescu | with István Téglás, Mălina Manovici, Denisa Nicolae, Steliana Bălăcianu, Rolando Matsangos
Romania / Poland / Germany 2023 | RESSONS.
Forum | World premiere
When he spies on his partner, Camil discovers something sinister: a cult with white robes and strange rituals. Sebastian Mihăilescu’s
experimental narrative cinema plays with myths, gender roles and the set pieces of the horror genre.
Man sa yay (I, Your Mother)
by Safi Faye | with Moussa J. Sarr, Yay Sokhna, Yvonne Nafi
Federal Republic of Germany / Senegal 1980
Forum Special Fiktionsbescheinigung
“Sooner or later, I’ll return to where my other self is.” The everyday experiences of a Senegalese student in West Berlin are marked by
a sense of uneasiness in Europe and his family’s expectations in the form of a constant stream of letters.
Mein Vater, der Gastarbeiter
by Yüksel Yavuz
Germany 1995
Forum Special Fiktionsbescheinigung | Documentary Form
The first generation of migrants before the camera held by the second: Yavuz creates a portrait of his father, who never felt at home in
Germany and returned to his Kurdish village after working for 15 years at a Hamburg shipyard. His children stayed.
Notre corps (Our Body)
by Claire Simon
France 2023
Forum | World premiere | Documentary Form
At first observational and later hugely personal, Claire Simon’s film is an example of the sheer power of documentary cinema. With a
gaze full of tenderness, she explores a gynaecological clinic in Paris to ascertain what it means to live in a female body.
Onun Haricinde, İyiyim (Other Than That, I’m Fine)
by Eren Aksu | with Seda Güngör, Ruth Hornemann, Dilan GeZaza, Gizem Özbek, Oğuzhan Okumuş
Germany / Turkey 2020
Forum Special Fiktionsbescheinigung
Aslı has recently moved to Berlin from Turkey. At an audition for an audio guide for a Berlin museum, she sees archaeological artefacts
from her home. Via short encounters and precise images, Eren Aksu’s short film maps out a feeling of not belonging.
Or de vie (A Golden Life)
by Boubacar Sangaré
Burkina Faso / Benin / France 2023
Forum | World premiere | Documentary Form
In Burkina Faso, young men search under the earth for gold – and a better future. As a result, 16-year-old Rasmané barely seems like a
teenager any more. This mainly observational film follows him into the 100-metre abyss of small-scale mining
Ordnung (Order)
by Sohrab Shahid Saless | with Heinz Lieven, Dorothea Moritz, Dagmar Hessenland, Ingrid Domann, Peter Schütze
Federal Republic of Germany 1980
Forum Special Fiktionsbescheinigung
Iranian director Saless’ radical style was unique in the West German cinema of the 70s and 80s. His black-and-white film dissects the
disturbed state of an unemployed construction engineer entirely at odds with social norms.
by Chetna Vora
German Democratic Republic 1980
Forum Special Fiktionsbescheinigung | Documentary Form | Work print from the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF
Indian director Chetna Vora’s portrait of students in East Germany from Cuba, Guinea-Bissau, Chile and Mongolia shows them chatting,
studying, dancing and making music in their hall of residence.
Poznámky z Eremocénu (Notes from Eremocene)
by Viera Čákanyová
Slovakia / Czechia 2023
Forum | World premiere
Scientist Edward O. Wilson has named the coming geological era Eremocene. In her analogue science fiction essay, Viera Čákanyová
explores this era of loneliness in a dialogue with a virtual alter ego from the future.
A Rainha Diaba (The Devil Queen)
by Antonio Carlos da Fontoura | with Milton Gonçalves, Stepan Nercessian, Odete Lara, Nelson Xavier, Wilson Grey
Brazil 1973
Forum Special | Restored by CinemaScópio and Cinelimite
Brazil’s Black acting icon Milton Gonçalves plays the queen of the Rio de Janeiro gangsters in this slice of queersploitation cinema from
the military dictatorship era: flamboyant costumes, tons of makeup and even more fake blood.
El rostro de la medusa (The Face of the Jellyfish)
by Melisa Liebenthal | with Rocío Stellato, Irene Bosch, Vladimir Durán, Federico Sack, Alicia Labraga
Argentina 2022
Forum | International premiere | Premi CICAE ART CINEMA.
One day, Marina no longer recognises herself. Is she ill, a different person, prettier? Those around her take it in their stride, her doctor
is puzzled, the authorities block her ID card. A gentle comedy that poses serious questions about the human face
Subete no Yoru wo Omoidasu (Remembering Every Night)
by Yui Kiyohara | with Kumi Hyodo, Minami Ohba, Ai Mikami, Guama Uchida, Tadashi Okuno
Japan 2022
Forum | International premiere | RESSONS.
A visit to the employment office, practicing dance steps, making music with friends: several women’s everyday lives are captured in
long shots and with a superb sense of place. A film like a summer’s day, bright, friendly, with the occasional chill.
This Is the End
by Vincent Dieutre | with Dino Koutsolioutsos, Vincent Dieutre, Eva Truffaut, Jean-Marc Barr, Nelson Bourrec Carter
France 2023
Forum | World premiere | Documentary Form
Road trips through Los Angeles, famous verses in the Poetry Lounge and love in times of the pandemic: rendezvous with an old flame,
40 years later. After Jaurès (2012), Vincent Dieutre presents another tender autofictional piece in the Forum.
Unutma Biçimleri (Forms of Forgetting)
by Burak Çevik | with Erdem Şenocak, Nesrin Uçarlar
Turkey 2023
Forum | World premiere
Nesrin and Erdem talk about their relationship, which they don’t remember in exactly the same way. Çevik’s visually stunning essay
uses their conversations to forge a pensive treatise on what it means to forget, where word and image play an equal role.
Uriwa sanggwaneopsi (Regardless of Us)
by Yoo Heong-jun | with Cho Hyunjin, Cho Soyeon, Kwak Minkyu, Kim Misook, Choi Sungwon
South Korea 2023
Forum | World premiere | Debut film
After suffering a stroke, actor Hwaryeong is visited in hospital by her colleagues. With its garrulous film people and disparate
relationships, this formally sparse film in elegant black and white comes across like a Hong Sangsoo fever dream.
W Ukrainie (In Ukraine)
by Piotr Pawlus, Tomasz Wolski
Poland / Germany 2023
Forum | World premiere | Documentary Form
Bombed-out streets, destroyed Russian tanks, evening meals in an Underground station repurposed into a shelter. Image by image,
the directors push beyond easily reproducible images of war to enter the reality the country has experienced since February 24, 2022.
FOTO: Le Gang des Bois du Temple (The Temple Woods Gang), de Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche, un dels pocs cineastes mig coneguts d’aquesta secció
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