Chào ông Viêt Nam

Impressions de viatges i més coses

Lou Reed

Mirant un video fet per la BBC en homenatge a les persones que han mort al llarg d’aquest any 2013 i amb sorpresa i consternació, veig la fotografia de Lou Reed. No m’ho puc creure. No ho sabia. Era de viatge i la notícia no em va arribar. 
He trobat aquest escrit, emotiu, brillant, de la seva dona Laurie Anderson, i llegeixo que Lou Reed practicava el tai-chi i tots aquests díes, des de que vaig tornar del sudest asiàtic la primera setmana de novembre, com tots els matins, poso la música que m’acompanya en els meus exercicis, tai-chi, meditació, respiració, estiraments. I la primera cançó per començar els moviments de tai-chi és Pale Blue Eyes, The Velvet Underground …….. i sonen les primeres notes, i canta Lou Reed.

Demà quan comenci a moure el meu cos i escolti la cançó, sabré que Lou Reed ja no hi és i també que la seva música m’acompanyarà per sempre més.

For Lou Reed

To our neighbors:

What a beautiful fall! Everything shimmering and golden and all that incredible soft light. Water surrounding us.

Lou and I have spent a lot of time here in the past few years, and even though we’re city people this is our spiritual home.

Last week I promised Lou to get him out of the hospital and come home to Springs. And we made it!

Lou was a tai chi master and spent his last days here being happy and dazzled by the beauty and power and softness of nature. He died on Sunday morning looking at the trees and doing the famous 21 form of tai chi with just his musician hands moving through the air.

Lou was a prince and a fighter and I know his songs of the pain and beauty in the world will fill many people with the incredible joy he felt for life. Long live the beauty that comes down and through and onto all of us.

— Laurie Anderson
his loving wife and eternal friend


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