Raül Romeva i Rueda


Honduras i la UE

Malgrat que els darrers escàndols a Hondures han tingut lloc els darrers dies, precisament durant la meva estada a alta mar, no he volgut deixar passar l’oportunitat d’afegir la meva veu a la de totes aquelles que reclamen un retorn a la normalitat. Adjunto la nota que vaig fer pública dilluns, en tant que vicepresident del Grup Verds/ALE, i en qualitat també de membre (i vicepresident) de la Delegació de relacions UE-Amèrica Central.:

Honduras: EU must cancel
association agreement talks following coup d’état

Commenting on recent events in Honduras, Greens/EFA Vice-President Raül Romeva commented:

“I strongly condemn the military’s anti-democratic
overthrow of elected Honduran President Manuel Zelaya. Recent events echo the
dark days of past military coup d’états in Central America. We must not see any
repetition of the bloodshed that occurred in Honduras in the 1980s.

The international community must act immediately to
unequivocally reject the legitimacy of Roberto Micheleti, declared President by
Congress yesterday. International observers must be granted access to
investigate. For its part, the European Union should cancel next week’s planned
trade negotiations with the Honduran authorities. (1) EU association agreements
have democracy clauses that have clearly been violated by the new
administration that is in place.”

Note to editors:

(1) ‘Association agreement’ negotiations – with a strong focus on
trade issues – are due to take place with six Central American countries,
including the Honduras, 6-10 July 2009 in Brussels.

Foto: Nacions Unides ha fet ja diversos gestos per demanar la reinstauració de Zelaya. Font: AP/BBC.

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