Raül Romeva i Rueda


Guantanamo, Barroso, Cia: motius més que suficients per fer una nova pregunta a la Comissió Europea

Davant els descobriments recents en relació a les clares i manifestes connivències entre el govern Aznar i la CIA en relació a l’afer dels vols il.legals cap a Guantanamo, i tenint en compte que un altre dels països implicats en l’afer és Portugal, llavors sota la Presidència de l’ara President de la Comissió, Durao Barroso, un grup de diputats i diputades hem presentat la següent pregunta a la Comissió:

Written Question to the Comission:

Considering the report of 09/08, drafted by the Spanish Ministry of Defence and revealing that at least one USA military flight transporting illegal prisoners overflowed Spain after a stopover in Portugal on 30/09/05; and the report by Amnesty International published in 10/08 revealing that at least 90 flights linked to the CIA made stopovers in Spain between 2002 and 2007 and that about 200 people were taken to Guantanamo on flights that took off from US military bases in/overflowed Spain; and the Spanish secret document published by El País in 11/08 revealing that the government of Aznar expressely authorized a US request regarding flights over Spain carrying prisoners from Afghanistan to Guantánamo,

Taking into consideration that in August 2008, Polish media reported that a note prepared by military intelligence, confirming the existence of a secret CIA facility, had been seen by government officials in 2006, (segueix…)

into consideration that President Barroso publicly said that he “did
not authorize and was not even aware of any secret CIA flights through
Portugal when he was prime minister” but that official military data
from the Pentagon demonstrate that military flights transporting
illegal prisoners (including prisoners  whose charges were recently dropped by the Pentagon)  did stopover and/or overflow Portugal when Mr. Barroso was Prime Minister,

into consideration the statements by the Portuguese Foreign Minister
Luís Amado on 7/10/08 explaining that “it would have been totally
irresponsible for the current Portuguese executive to have raised that
matter, which put in question the president of the EC, Durão Barroso,
who was at  the time of the facts Portuguese prime minister”,

the EC take any measures regarding these new elements to assert the
responsibility of the countries involved and to verify if other Member
States also received similar requests?

the EC agree that there is now enough evidence to acknowledge that,
even if Member States cooperated in the USA “extraordinary renditions”
programme without being aware of its full extent, they should assume
their share of responsibility for that cooperation? And does the EC
agree that Members States should offer political asylum to the
prisoners who are still detained in Guantánamo but who have not been
charged and whom the USA cannot repatriate to their countries of origin?

Foto: El quartet de les Azores (Blair, Aznar, Bush i Barroso). Font: AP

  1. Pues me parece estupendo, poco se puede esperar de un pais, digamos un dirigente, porque seguro que sus administrados no tienen responsabilidad, que se pasan por el arco del triunfo las propias resoluciones, ¿con qué etica luego puede exhigir a sus administrados que cumplan con sus obligaciones cuando ellos mismos no las cumplen?

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