Raül Romeva i Rueda


Publicat el 14 de juny de 2010

Els Verds/ALE a favor d’acabar amb el setge de Gaza

Demà el Parlament Europeu debatrà diverses propostes
de Resolució relatives a l’atac israelià sobre el comboi humanitari de fa uns
dies. Els diferents grups hem debatut internament cadascú un text que demà
tocarà negociar amb els alters. En el que hem presentat els Verds/ALE, hi
destaquen els següents articles que formen part del consens dins del Grup

1.     Condemns Israel’s military operation against the humanitarian ship
convoy; deeply regrets this breach of international law especially the fourth
Geneva Convention, and condemns the use of disproportionate violence against

2.     Supports the statement of the UN Secretary General and the High
Commissioner for Human Rights calling for a prompt international and
independent inquiry into this attack, and insists that the principles of
accountability and liability be upheld; urges the HR/VP and EU Member States to
take action to ensure that all appropriate steps are taken in order to make
this demand effective and expresses the readiness of the EU to actively
contribute in this respect;

Urges Israel to immediately,
comprehensively and permanently end the siege on Gaza, most notably because it
is unacceptable from a humanitarian standpoint

Urges the HR/VP and EU Member
States to take steps to ensure the sustainable opening of all the crossing
points to and from Gaza
, including the Gaza
port, with adequate international end-use monitoring, to allow the unimpeded
flow of humanitarian and commercial goods necessary for reconstruction and a
self-supporting economy, as well as currency flows and unhindered movement of

Calls on the HR/VP and the Member
States to reappraise the mandate of the European Union Border Assistance
Mission, potentially with a maritime dimension, in line with the current
political context and security conditions on the ground  in order to allow its immediate

Calls on the HR/VP to initiate in
close cooperation with the Arab League the opening of negotiations with the
Palestinian National Authority on the control, the management and the
border assistance mission of
the crossing points from and into the Gaza strip, including the Gaza port,
taking into account also the role of the de facto authorities of the Gaza
strip; calls on the EU to actively support the ongoing inter-Palestinian
reconciliation process;

Calls, in this
regard, on the HR/VP to discuss at the forthcoming Council of Foreign
Affairs the possibility to deploy an effective UN-mandated international
border assistance mission aiming at controlling the crossing points
from and into the Gaza strip, including the maritime dimension;

Insists that, unconditional
humanitarian aid notwithstanding, the EU must play a political role which
delivers tangible results that are consistent with its significant financial
assistance and economic weight in the region;

Is convinced that there is an
urgent need for a comprehensive reshaping of EU policy towards the Middle East
to exert a decisive and coherent political role, accompanied by effective
diplomatic tools, in favour of peace and security in this neighbouring region
of vital strategic interest to the EU; 
considers that such 
reshaping should notably deal with the nature of the current EU
representation in the region, in the context of the setting up of the EEAS
which aims at improving the coherence and efficiency of the EU external action;

10.  Is concerned by the possible consequences of this attack on the
relations between Israel and Turkey which may increase tensions in the region;
highlights the valuable role that Turkey has been playing over the years in
promoting the peace process and encouraging the Palestinian reconciliation

11.  Commends the work carried out by UNRWA and, aware of the financial
shortfall it will face before the end of this year, calls on the international
donor community to honour its existing pledges and to increase further its

12.  Condemns the vote of the Knesset House Committee to revoke the
privileges of Arab Member of the Knesset Ms. Hanin Zoabi for her participation
in the Flotilla;

13.  Calls on the HR/VP to urgently convene the EU-Israel Association
Council for a thorough examination of the situation;

14.  Takes the view that any possible consideration of the upgrading
of the relations between the EU and Israel must go hand in hand with lifting
the blockade on Gaza
, full respect of
international humanitarian and human rights obligations and genuine commitments
towards a comprehensive political settlement of the conflict; calls in this
respect for the freeze of the consent procedure of the EU-Israel agreement on
the Conformity Assessment and Acceptance (ACAA) of Industrial Products for the
free movement of goods and technical regulations

15.  Calls on EU Member States that are State Parties to the OECD to
convene without delay a meeting with Israel with the purpose of the
non-compliance of the principles laid down in the “roadmap for the
accession to the OECD”, notably in matters of international humanitarian
and human rights obligations, and to take into account the outcome of this
meeting in view of the signature of the accession agreement of Israel to the

A més a més, alguns diputats/des hem presentat conjuntament una esmena
en la que directament demanem suspendre l’acord d’Associació entre la UE i
mentre no s’aixequi el setge i s’obri una investigació
independent internacional que comporti depurar responsabilitats per part dels
autors de l’atac israelià.


Demà el debat, dimecres la votació.

Foto: Moment en què alguns parlamentaris acompanyem l’organització Palestina al Cor en l’entrega de les reivindicacions que aquest col·lectiu ha fet a la Comissió Europea en relació a l’aixecament del setge de Gaza i a acabar amb la impunitat del govern d’Israel davant fets com l’assalt al comboi humanitari. Font: Palestina al cor.

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