Raül Romeva i Rueda


Igualtat dona-home, també en els Consells d’administració

Una dada: en la darrera dècada, la gran majoria (60%) de persones que s’han llicenciat en carreres com econòmiques, dret o administració d’empreses són dones. No obstant, i malgrat l’habitual retòrica en favor de la igualtat d’oportunitats, la realitat mostra com la participació de les dones en els principals centres de decisió (incloses les principals empreses) no arriba al 14%. És evident que hi ha un problema de fons, estructural, que fa que a mesura que s’ascendeix en els nivells de decisió política/econòmica, la proporció de dones descendeix de manera alarmant. El sostre de vidre, el negui qui el negui, és un fet. I cal trencar-lo.

Més enllà de reduir el debat a un afer de quotes, per a mi és un afer de promoure la igualtat.

La igualtat ha de ser un dels principis centrals que regeixi la construcció europea, per això la Unió Europea necessita una legislació clara que asseguri la paritat en els diferents nivells de presa de decisió, també als consells d’administració. Això és el que ha proposat la vicepresidenta Reding, a petició d’una gran majoria del PE.

Demà, a les 12.30, la Comissió Europea ha de decidir sobre aquesta qüestió, la qual es pot explicar de la següent manera:

Així mateix, adjunto la nota relativa a la decisió sobre el Banc Central Europeu:

Press release – Strasbourg, 22 October 2012


ECB executive board

MEPs vote against candidate in move to address exclusion of women from Euro decision-making


The European Parliament’s economic and monetary affairs committee this evening voted to oppose a new nominee to the executive board of the European Central Bank, citing criticisms about the failure to consider any female candidates for the vacancy. The European Parliament as a whole will now vote on the proposal to reject nominee Yves Mersch in its plenary session on Thursday (1). Commenting after the vote, Green economic and finance spokesperson Sven Giegold (MEP, Germany) said:

“This vote sends a strong political signal to EU governments that they cannot continue to ignore the exclusion of women from the Eurozone’s highest decision-making bodies.

“There has been no female member of the ECB’s executive board since 2011, a situation compounded by the lack of any female presidents of Eurozone central banks, which sit on the governing council. The lack of any female representation in the highest decision-making bodies dealing with the Euro crisis is clearly not acceptable. The EP plenary must now endorse today’s vote and demonstrate to EU member states that they need to redress this situation, all the more so as there is no change anticipated to the ECB board until 2018.

“Regrettably, in spite of assurances from Eurogroup president Jean-Claude Juncker that candidates of each gender would be considered for the replacement of Mr Gonzalez-Palermo (2), no female candidate was finally considered. There is no shortage of qualified female candidates, so the failure to even consider any, in spite of these assurances, has left MEPs with no alternative. The ECB is already a body with far-reaching influence and limited accountability; filling a new position on its executive against the will of democratically-elected representatives would be a further step backwards in terms of European democracy in the Euro crisis.”

(1) The European Parliament has a consultation role regarding appointments to the executive board of the European Central Bank. Although not binding, this would represent the first time the EP had rejected a nominee to the board, and would as such be a strong political signal.

(2) The economic and monetary affairs committee had previously raised the issue of female representation and committee chair Sharon Bowles wrote to Eurogroup president Jean-Claude Juncker in May 2012 to this end asking him to ensure a female candidate be considered for the replacement of Mr Gonzalez-Palermo.

– Spot the error blog and picture montage of male-dominated economic decision-making: http://www.sven-giegold.de/2012/keine-frauen-in-top-positionen-in-der-europaischen-wirtschaftspolitik/

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