Raül Romeva i Rueda


Publicat el 17 de juny de 2012

Interviwee in Aljazeera Empire: on Europe crisis, Greek elections, Spanish rescue, …

Romeva interviwee in Aljazeera Empire: on Europe crisis, Greek elections, Spanish rescue, … see in http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/empire/2012/06/2012615122134208504.html


The financial crisis in Europe has been deepening by the day, yet European leaders cannot seem to agree on how to fix it.

To date European leaders have convened 19 emergency summits to resolve the continent’s financial crisis. But none has worked out.

At the centre of the EU’s crisis is the euro ? the symbol of Europe’s dreams, as well as its unfolding nightmare.

The predictions are also increasingly dire as critics proclaim that the single-currency project has clearly failed, leaving the future of the euro hanging in the balance.

Some of the fundamental questions pertaining to the single-market policy remain unanswered.

Who led Europe into this crisis? Who can lead it out? Is Brussels the centre of European power, or is it Paris, Berlin and London?

The worsening European financial crisis also raises questions as to whether Greece and Spain are the cause of the problem in Europe.

  1. Dinamarca pertany a la Unió Europea

    compta amb una economia més pragmàtica

    que no ha volgut integrar la seva moneda

    la Corona Danesa a l’Euro

    per no perdre la capacitat d’actuar

    amb un política monetària ajustada

    conforme les seus necessitats reals del moment.

    En canvi Grécia i la Corona Espanyola

    han viscut integrats a un Euro rígid i inflexible

    des dels interessos centre-europeus dalt estanding

    sota una bombolla pública-subvencionada i financera

    sota una bombolla immobiliària residencial-turística

    i sota la bombolla de guanys d’activitats cojunturals

    de l’especulació a curt plaç, insostenible i contraproduents

    sense inversions estratègiques i estructurals

    i en energies renovables

    com les de les autovies de l’aigua

    conjunturals del pa per avui

    i encara més fam pel demà.

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