2 de novembre de 2008
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Modelnos “Ciudadanos del Mundo” i Xenophobic names and phrases in Spanish

Molt de compte amb els qui es fan dir “Ciudadanos del Mundo”, els pseudoapàtrides-progrepihos-jacobins-modelnos, és una de les maneres més “modernes” d’espanyolitzar Barcelona


Els “ciudadanos del mundo” espanyols solen entendre per ser “ciudadanos del mundo” el mateix que l’emperador romà que popularitzà l’expressió: que poden fer el que els doni la gana a tot arreu, i especialment a colònies.
Que llurs drets són infinits, a costa, naturalment, dels indígenes “catalufos” de colònies.
L'”internacionalisme” dels espanyols s’acaba més o menys al mateix lloc on es produí el Big Bang: a las Cibeles, o potser al Santiago Bernabeu.
Per a ells la resta, i especialment indígenes i altra gent “menyspreable” (= sense Estat propi que els pugui defensar) no som res i, cas que els hi objectem res, aleshores passarem de manera automàtica, oficialment, a la categoria de “feixistes” … per voler sobreviure. Un “catalán demòcrata”, per a ells, és qui renuncia a tots els seus drets i accepta el martiri sense dir ni mú.
“Cet animal est très méchant
Quand on l’attaque…il se défend!”
Així veiem com aquests “internacionalistes” “ciudadanos del mundo”, tan cosmopolites ells, ho són en el mateix sentit que ho eren els traficants d’esclaus.
No són psicòlogicament més que NEGRERS DE LA POSTMODERNITAT.


Vet ací una eina irrebatible per a denunciar-los internacionalment:

Xenophobic names and phrases in Spanish:

Against languages:

“Como si le hablara en chino” (As well as I talk to him/her in Chinese) = He doesn’t understand (or doesn’t want to understand) anything
“Y en Arameo…(or Swahili)” (and in Aramaic) = In some kind of strange language
“¡En Cristiano!” (In Christian) = (Speak me) in Spanish! (Only Spanish). It comes from times when they were a lot of Arabic-speaking people in Spain (til 1610), but it’s applied against any other languages.
“¡No me hables en polaco!” (Don’t speak me in Polish!) = Don’t speak me in Catalan!

Despective Names for foreign people:

“Guiri” (From Moroccan “gwera”) = Foreigner, especially blond people or from Germanic countries tourists.
“Gabacho” (From Occitan “Ineducated people from Mountains” etimologias. dechile.net/ ?gabacho ) = French
“Moro” (Moor) = Muslim, Arabic (especially Moroccan).
“Polaco” (Polish) = Catalan
“Chino” (Chinese) = Asian
“Yanki” (in Latinoamerica, “Gringo”) = (North)American (US)
“Indio” (Indian) or “Sudaca” = Latino(American)

“Negrata” = Negro, Black

“¡Judío!” (Jew!) = Normal til 30 years ago when someone spitted on other’s face

“Payo” (Idiot) = Non-Gypsy people (amongst Spanish Gypsies)
“Payo-ponny” (little Payo) = Indian from LatinoAmerica (amongst Spanish Gypsies)


Phrases on nations:

“Engañarte como a un chino” (To be deceived one as a Chinese) = One who has quite deceived you
“Es muy moro!” (He is so Moor!) = He suffers is very jealous about his wife
“¡No hay moros en la costa!” (They are no Moor at the coast) = There is no danger, you can speak or do now
“Trabajo de negros” (work of black people) or “trabaje como negro” (I worked like a black person) meaning hard work and I worked hard.

“Hacer el indio” (Doing oneself Indian): To be very informal, not to be responsible about anything
“Hacer el cafre” (Doing oneself Cafre): To be brutal
“Despedirse a la francesa” (Saying bye in a French way) = Leaving saying nothing.
“Hacerse el sueco” (behave as a swedish/ like someone who doesn’t know the rules) with the variation “hacerse el monje” (behave as a monk).

“Plantar una pica en Flandes” (Planting a pickax in Flanders) = To attack ennemies in their own land, to do something in a Spanish way against some non-Spanish people.


“¡A por ellos! oé!” (Let’s go against them!, “oé!” is a war howl) = It’s a Football Spanish Selection slogan song spread by Spanish TVs, which hides a “doublethinking” sociological 2d meaning: “against antiSpanish people”, “inner ennemies”.
Which “inner ennemies”… maybe you are wondering yourselves?
http://es.youtube. com/watch? v=Is-e1Yyc- yY&NR=1
http://www.cut- bai.org/catfob. htm

blocs.mesvilaweb.cat/node/view/ id/74062

http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=aIiRFSCgGu4



“Pérfida Albión” (Perfid England) = a Spanish traditional definition for England
“Mal francés” (French Evil) = Sexual Illness
“Cabeza cuadrada” (square head) = it’s sometimes/often applied to Germans

A song:

“A la orilla de un barranco/ dos negros cantando están:/ ¡Dios mío! ¡Quién fuera blanco…/ aunque fuese catalán!”) (Cant de negres i mulatos de Cuba, mentre treballaven sota la dominació espanyola).
“At the edge of a ravine / two blacks are singing: / O my God! … It was so good to be white / even one were a Catalonian!” ) (A singing of black slaves in Cuba under Spanish rule).


“No estoy muy catòlico” is like saying “no estoy muy flamenco” and means only I’m not feeling well. No direct religious implications.


It’s also interesting to calculate dates when these sentence started to be told.
“Hacerse el sueco” is probably from 30 Years War (1617-1647) when Habsburgs battled against France and Sweden in the Reich.
“Flamenco” for Andalousian folk is probably due to 2 facts:
1) 80-yeared War against Dutch Calvinist Independentists (1568-1648). “Flamenco” means literally “Flemish” and it means “rebel”. “Plantar una pica en Flandes” surely comes too from that war.
2) Prohibition of every indigenous folk, ritual food etc. to Andalousian Moors (the most were expelled from Spain to North Africa by Habsburg about 1609-1610). Although some of them remained and Gypsies sang their folk songs. This was considered a rebellion act against the Spanish King’s orders and so what called “flamenco” (=rebel).
And now that forbidden rebel folk (“Flamenco”) is become the (only) official Spanish Folk, though is not any Spanish Music.




(1) More modernly it’s said “Polaco” (=Polish) and “Swahili”
“Polaco” is especially refered to Catalan language:

“¡No me hables en polaco!” (Don’t speak me in Polish!) = Don’t speak me in Catalan!

Since French-Spanish War during 30 Years War, Catalonia was invaded first by Spanish troops and after by French troops. Its rebelion (1640-52) against Castilian military occupation coasted a long war and since that war, traditional Castilian Antisemitism was substituted by Anticatalan Phobia

See (In Spanish):

blocs.mesvilaweb. cat/node/ view/id/74062

“Spain and Castile, both miserable,

yesterday and today dominators,

your culture, full of rags,

despises anything it ignores”

(Antonio Machado, 1875-1939, andalousian poet dead in exile at Northern Catalonia



http://estrafolari. info/08_Sise_ sentit/0601_ polacos.htm

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