Marta Garcia-Puig

Curiositats del català, castellà, anglès, italià, francès i gaèlic irlandès, entre d'altres

El pitjor malson dels estudiants d’anglès

Benvinguts i benvingudes!!!

Com que sóc conscient que una de les coses més complicades de la llengua anglesa són els anomenats PHRASAL VERBS, he pensat que seria bona idea parlar-ne avui en un article. Els phrasal verbs són verbs formats per un verb i una preposició/adverbi/tots dos i, malauradament, el significat d’aquests verbs no es pot deduir sumant el significat del verb i el significat de la preposició. Per exemple, make up no vol dir ‘fer amunt’ (make vol dir ‘fer’ i up vol dir ‘amunt’), sinó que vol dir ‘fer les paus’; en canvi com a nom (make-up o makeup) vol dir ‘maquillatge’. Vegem-ne uns quants:


BLACK OUT (‘perdre el coneixement’)

When Sandra fell off her bike, she hit her head and blacked out for a few seconds.


COME TO (‘recobrar el coneixement’)

Emily has come to after the accident, but she doesn’t remember what happened.


CHEER UP (‘animar-se’)

Cheer up! The exams are over now and we can enjoy the summer holidays.

(‘trobar per casualitat’)

Where did you find the video? I came across it in a second-hand book shop.

(‘caure bé o malament als altres’)

He comes across as a ​bit of a bore in interview.


BRING BACK (‘portar records’)

This old film brings back memories. I saw it when I was a child.


END UP (‘acabar fent una cosa o en una situació que no t’esperaves’)

I had always wanted to live in France, but I ended up living in New Zealand.


LOOK BACK ON (‘recordar una cosa del passat’)

It wasn’t such a bad experience when I look back on it.


SETTLE FOR (‘conformar-se amb menys del que voldries’)

They were hoping to sell their car for £2,000, but settled for £1,500.


TURN DOWN (‘rebutjar’)

She was offered the chance to go to Hollywood, but she turned it down.



(‘estar al dia d’alguna cosa’)

Rachel works in a clothes shop, so she has no problem keeping up with the latest fashions.

(‘anar tan ràpidament com algú’)

I went jogging with my friends, but I couldn’t keep up with them.



(‘tractar amb algú’)

The best thing about my job is dealing with the customers. I enjoy helping them choose the right product. 

(‘ocupar-se d’alguna cosa’, ‘resoldre-la’)

We have to deal with problems as they arise.


COME UP WITH (‘tenir una idea’)

Dan’s very creative. He always comes up with great ideas for our advertising campaigns.


TAKE ON (‘contractar algú’)

I’m going for an interview at The Bay Café. They are taking on new staff for the summer.


TAKE OVER (‘Get control of a business or job’)

The ​firm was badly in need of restructuring when she took over.


BREAK UP WITH / SPLIT UP WITH (‘tallar amb la parella’)

He broke/split up with his girlfriend last week.


Bé, crec que per avui ja n’hi ha prou; un altre dia, més! Fins aviat i molt bona setmana santa!!!



  1. Un artícle molt interessant. Precisament fa poc vem tractar els phrasal verbs al mòdul d’anglès del cicle formatiu que estic estudiant i cap dels que ens van ensenyar era el que tú ens mostres aquí. M’anirà molt coneixe’ls. Moltes gràcies!

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