19 de maig de 2012
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Trapezi 2012: Bon ambient tot i les retallades

Trapezi ha començat amb un excel·lent ambient pels carrers de Reus però amb bastanta menys gent que en les edicions més radiants de la fira.

A nivel artístic, la parella Los Caneca –Fernando Ateca i Pablo Domichovsky- va saber connectar amb un públic que es va divertir observant diverses versions d’entrades del més pur estil dels pallassos clàssics. La companyia Morosof va exhibir, per la seva banda, perfecció tècnica amb un espectacle de quadrant aeri a la plaça de la Llibertat.

Ja en l’òrbita dels nous llenguatges i tendències la companyia Erva Daninha va presentar un interessant experiment de malabarismes amb totxanes –veure foto-, i la companyia portuguesa O Último momento va presentar al Teatre Bartina un notabílissim espectacle que gira entorn la perxa xinesa i la col·locació d’uns altaveus.

Una de les produccions del CAER per a aquest Trapezi, titulat “Aprendre començar a perdre”, de la companyia Atempo, ha punxat clarament. La seva aposta és segurament massa experimental i no s’acaba d’entendre la seva proposta.   

En una edició de transició, Trapezi s’intenta adaptar al nou pressupost de 301.000 euros -retallat en un 40% menys en dos anys- i a la nova direcció artística.  

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  1. A circus is commonly a travelling company of performers that may include clowns, acrobats, trained animals, trapeze acts, musicians, hoopers,tightrope walkers, jugglers, unicyclists and other stunt-oriented artists. The word also describes the performance that they give, which is usually a series of acts choreographed to music and introduced by a ringmaster. 
  2. However a good number of old-fashioned travelling circuses with their usual mixture of acrobat, clown and animal acts are still active in various parts of the world ranging from small family enterprises on the edge of survival to the three ring extravaganzas like Vazquez Hermanos Circus in Mexico.
  3. In the face of numerous, importance became one with the important signals that echo avant-garde lifestyle, this sign may admeasurement your current humorous class, for you to child who’s must participating in innovative for your visual appeal style, regardless if you are acceptable in order to metal in the advertised on the huge the blue-blooded humans with the outstanding of action is determined by you the volume of compassionate and also charge of high-class.
  4. Seasonal festivals are determined by the solar and the lunar calendars and by the cycle of the seasons. The changing of the season was celebrated because of its effect on food supply. Ancient Egyptians would celebrate the seasonal inundation caused by the Nile River, a form of irrigation, which provided fertile land for crops.
  5. It is easy to see why so many people have been attending the circus, year after year, for their entire life. The fun that you have with your family and friends is a time that you will cherish forever. 

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