17 de maig de 2012
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Pepa Plana al Soleil: Entrevista exclusiva

Aquesta entrevista s’ha publicat al número 32 de la revista de circ Zirkòlika

La pallassa Pepa Plana (Valls, 1965), enrolada al Cirque du Soleil des del 2 de gener, concedeix aquesta entrevista el 16 d’abril, pocs dies abans de l’estrena mundial a Montreal d’Amaluna, el nou espectacle de la companyia quebequesa i emmig d’assajos maratonians de 12 hores. Els pròxims mesos no podrà descansar gaire tampoc. L’espera una gira per Canadà i els Estats Units.

Acostumada a treballar sola als teatres, com es troba al Cirque du Soleil?

“No havia vist mai de la vida un equip d’unes 200 persones presents diàriament als assajos, on tots els artistes treballem com si fos el dia de l’estrena i ens hi anés la vida.”

L’espectacle reivindica la femimitat…

“Sembla fet a mida! És un espectacle en femení on el 75% de les artistes són dones. Inspirat en La Tempestat de Shakespeare, se situa en una illa de dones i l’arribada dels homes ho fa capgirar tot. És una història d’amor molt shakesperiana. En paral·lel també hi ha la història d’amor de dues pallasses.”

Tot el que fa el Soleil després s’imita. Creu que el fet de reivindicar la feminitat farà canviar alguna cosa?

“Com m’agrada aquesta pregunta! Tant de bo aquest espectacle fos un exemple i que comencessim a veure pallasses a la resta de circs tradicionals.”

Quines entrades presenta?

“Fem dos números de 10 minuts,  el primer dels quals és l’enamorament i el segon, molt divertit i boig, és la conseqüència d’aquest amor i on aparec amb molts bebès. La complicitat amb la meva partenaire és molt bonica i ha estat fàcil arribar-hi.”

S’ha adaptat bé al circ, doncs?

“Hi ha hagut  moments en què m’he hagut de barallar perquè no m´acabaven d’agradar algunes coses, fins que vaig asumir que no era el meu espectacle i que sóc una peça més perquè l’espectacle funcioni bé. Ara bé, em mimen i m’estimen molt. La meva pallassa cau molt bé i els hi agrada molt com jugo. Presento les mesures de seguretat i dono la benvinguda als espectadors en francès, tot i que a l’espectacle també parlo en català. Es pensen que parlo una llengua exòtica entre italià, portuguès, castellà i francès.”

Com es diu el personatge?

“Nourse, Nunu, Dida… N’hem posat molts. Però al final sempre és la Pepa i m’agrada que sigui així.”

I què en queda d’aquella Penèlope que coneixem?

“La meva pallassa existeix ja que té un punt de coqueta i aquesta esquizofrènia tan característica que fa que passi de dolça a superpunk.”


Com es treballa amb la directora, Diane Paulus?

“Ve del teatre i l’òpera i per ella el circ és també una descoberta. El llenguatge és teatral i seriós. Per això l’humor ha costat una mica més. Però confía molt en nosaltres perquè la reacció del públic als assajos ha estat bona. Tot i que té el llenguatge del Cirque du Soleil, la companyia volia un espectacle diferent i crec que ho aconsegueix.”

En quin sentit?

“El món és màgic, però el maquillatge i el vestuari són bastants més realistes que altres espectacles. La Diane ho ha volgut humanitzar-ho molt tot i el resultat és una mica sorperrent. Hi ha molts artistes que juguem amb els nostres cabells.”

Quants vestits porta?

Dos en total i un davantal que em vaig canviant. Hi ha hagut una gran complicitat amb la Mérédith Caron. Un dels vestits és de groc safrà, com una paella!

No és supersticiosa?

Als pallassos ens agraden tots els colors I el groc es meravellós. M’encanta! L’Slava Polunin juga també amb el groc. El segon vestit me’l poso al final de l’espectacle i és com un tu-tut. Quasi no em puc bellugar.  

Està nerviosa per a l’estrena?

“La veritat és que tinc pessigolles, aquestes famoses papallones, però més que nervis tinc moltes ganes de començar amb el públic real i que no ens canviïn més coses. Els pallassos volem públic.” 

Marcel Barrera  

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  1. The Roman circus consisted of tiers of seats running parallel with the sides of the course, and forming a crescent around one of the ends. The lower seats were reserved for persons of rank; there were also various state boxes, e.g. for the giver of the games and his friends.
  2. Compared with the traditional circuses of the past, the contemporary approach tends to focus more attention on the overall aesthetic impact, on character and story development, and on the use of lighting design, original music, and costume design to convey thematic or narrative content.
  3. The hour-long show is a multimedia mash-up of a live performance interspersed with video segments of interviews with world-famous clowns including Tony award-winner Bill Irwin and Pepa Plana who runs the Women’s Clown Festival in Andorra.
  4. The stunts that these people do in circus are made possible through years of hard work and practice. Those things are done by professionals and should never be done at home. Among them all, stilt walking is considered the safest.
  5. The Roman circus consisted of tiers of seats running parallel with the sides of the course, and forming a crescent around one of the ends. The lower seats were reserved for persons of rank; there were also various state boxes, e.g. for the giver of the games and his friends. In Ancient Rome the circus was the only public spectacle at which men and women were not separated.

  6. The International Circus Festival of Tomorrow is an eagerly awaited and annually held event in Paris, France. This festival is a meeting ground for veteran and rising acrobats and circus artists. This highly entertaining extravaganza celebrates acrobatics and the long-standing tradition of circuses. The finest acrobats join hands during the International Circus Festival of Tomorrow to present a spectacular feast, enjoyable by one and all.
  7. In many ways, Montreal has been etching itself a spot as a world capital for circus arts for years now, with the Cirque du Soleil headquarters located in the city alongside the National Circus School. Other renowned circus troupes such as Les 7 Doigts de la main and Cirque Éloize are Quebec natives so it should come as no surprise that one of Montreal’s newer festivals..
  8. Music used in the production is often composed exclusively for that production, and aesthetic influences are drawn as much from contemporary culture as from circus history. Animal acts appear less frequently in contemporary circus than in traditional circus.
  9. One of the best parts of a circus is seeing the animals. Not the usual squirrel or dog the kids can see everyday, these beasts are wild and dangerous and kids love them! This craft gives them the opportunity to cage their own, even if these are just made out of cookies. Items needed are animal crackers, glue, pipe cleaners and foam food trays.
  10. It’s enough to make you stand out from the crowd, identify yourself as a performer, but still be approachable by a wide cross-section of people who are not going to be too embarrassed to stand next to you! If you end up spending your time as a walkabout entertainer dealing with heckles about what you are wearing, then it is time to consider finding a more suitable outfit!
  11. The difference between the audience and the circus performers is that the audience is looking to be entertained and the performers are living each moment of the performance with a mission. The same goes for your own life. This isn’t about trying to impress someone or follow a script by your medical provider. This is about charting a course to wellness that takes care of the body, mind, and spirit.
  12. A variety of animals have historically been used in acts. While the types of animals used vary from circus to circus, big cats, elephants, horses, birds,sea lions, bears and domestic animals are the most common.
  13. Changes in popular culture and entertainment, and changing attitudes about physical differences, led to the decline of the freak show as a form of entertainment. As previously mysterious anomalies were scientifically explained as genetic mutations or diseases, freaks became the objects of sympathy rather than fear or disdain. Laws were passed restricting freak shows for these reasons.
  14. Famous sideshow performers include Zip the Pinhead and The Doll Family. A popular sideshow attraction from the early 19th century was the flea circus, where fleas were attached to props and viewed through aFresnel lens.
  15. In the olden days circus acts often played a crucial role in determining the success of the circus troupe. The more sensitive and compelling texts, how popular the group. This was often the norm group that the circus lot of time and effort in compiling a perfect circus text in sync with the group. 
  16. the circus acts is not everyoneâEUR(TM)s cup of tea. Under the proper guidance and management of these circus agencies one can have a successful show. People still prefers to watch circus shows as they are best way to have entertainment in life. 
  17. You reduce stress because in order to give your attention to juggling and learning, you need to put your worldy concerns to one side and focus fully! Juggling encourages a mental and physical state known as ‘relaxed concentration’ in which the mind and body are able to be focussed and alert while remaining calm and relaxed.
  18. Circuses were a part of culture and a unique part of western culture and what is known as Victorian culture and Victorian culture had important influences on Modern Culture. The skills whether that of the performers or the specific engineering and design work done in preparing the circus were important.
  19. It is known that there were aquatic circuses where the circus ring was flooded with water. It is known too that in Roman times, amphitheatres were flooded with water so that mock sea battles could be staged. This article aims to describe the unique feel and culture of the time.
  20. They are the circus stilt performers and with their extended heights, they can be so amazing and funny, too. Usually, they also act as clowns since their roles require them to be funny. However, some circus numbers are serious and breathtaking.
  21. Circus stilts are also a favorite in Latino dance numbers. With the beat of the Latino samba music, for instance, circus stilt performers dance with the rhythm while playing musical instruments and they can also do ballet or pop numbers.
  22. Stilts come in different styles depending on their function. In the circus, there are two kinds of stilts used: the spring stilt and the peg stilt. The spring stilt is equipped with a spring to allow the user to make long jumps and acrobatic stunts.
  23. However a good number of old-fashioned travelling circuses with their usual mixture of acrobat, clown and animal acts are still active in various parts of the world ranging from shoestring small family enterprises to the three ring extravaganzas like Vazquez Hermanos Circus in Mexico.
  24. Compared with the traditional circus, the contemporary genre of circus tends to focus more attention on the overall aesthetic impact, on character and story development, and on the use of lighting design, original music, and costume design to convey thematic or narrative content.
  25. When people wander into a candy store, they are often looking for something that will spark their imagination and sense of fun. There is no candy out there that accomplishes this goal quite like circus sticks. These delicious treats look great in any shop and will remind customers young and old of the great times they have spent under the big top.
  26. Circus sticks are a fun and delicious candy that should be part of the inventory at any candy store. They come in display racks that fit nicely next to any cash register, making them the perfect opportunity for a last minute, impulse purchase.
  27. Cirque Du Soleil is the live show where circus show is performed without any animals. The skilled well trained artists display their performance with great enthusiasm as they are the former gymnasts, acrobats, and ballerinas. 
  28. While you are in Disneyland keep sufficient time to explore this wonderful circus which is also known as circus of the sun. The main features of this live show also include music and live orchestra that makes a huge performs on the majestic combination of classical and modern music. So buy Cirque Du Soleil Tickets to enjoy the live circus show.
  29. the Circus you only see what they want you to see. There is no substance to the McCain Circus, not answers to the problems facing Americans today. We as Americans have to learn to look past the acts of the McCain circus to see what’s really there.
  30. Circus performers train their body through constantly working to improve their strength, flexibility, stamina, balance, hand-eye coordination, you name it- if it takes bodily skill, they are doing it. And most of the circus performers I know do not lift a single weight, unless they are trying to build a certain body look for their particular performance style.
  31. Everything a circus performer does involves incredible amounts of balance and coordination of all muscle systems. More than in any other activities do you see these people training hours and hours to get their muscles to learn one tiny little movement and have it appear fluid and effortless.
  32. Most of all I find that adding circus training into my own and my clients routines makes it a lot more fun to do. Ask any one of my clients what they like about me most, and I hope the first thing they will mention is how much fun they have.
  33. there are many other tips and techniques you can get and more advanced handstand tricks such as doing handstand pushups on or off the wall, pressing up into a handstand in straddle splits or in a pike position, lowering yourself down into an elbow lever…
  34. As students work towards putting on a performance, they may find themselves working closely with other performers. Juggling develops individuality – people can choose to perform their own solo spot.
  35. Circus stilts are also a favorite in Latino dance numbers. With the beat of the Latino samba music, for instance, circus stilt performers dance with the rhythm while playing musical instruments and they can also do ballet or pop numbers.
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