9 d'agost de 2011
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L?Ajuntament de Cunit prohibeix un número de cavalls al Circo Italiano

L’Ajuntament de Cunit (PSC) ha prohibit al Circo Italiano presentar els seus dos números de cavalls i gossos dàlmates que inclou el seu espectacle Somnis, que des de fa un any està fent gira per diferents localitats de Catalunya. En plena preparació del muntatge que el Circo Italiano estrenarà la pròxima tardor al festival Temporada Alta, a Girona, la companyia s’ha vist envoltada d’una nova polèmica en relació a l’exhibició dels animals als espectacles. Les picabaralles entre els circs i els ajuntaments són conseqüència de la disbauxa normativa que hi ha en els diferents municipis. Lluny en el temps han quedat les prohibicions dels números de tigres i elefants, els quals han desaparegut de Catalunya. Ara, i novament pressionats per les associacions animalistes, molts ajuntaments condicionen les seves llicències a que l’espectacle no inclogui cap animal, ni tan sols gossos o cavalls. En el cas de Cunit ha estat l’associació Libera que s’ha manifestat contra la presència dels animals. Pel director del circ, Pelé Rossi, la prohibició és “injusta”ja que al circ se li prohibeix presentar qualsevol animal i en canvi, a pocs metres de la plaça, hi ha una hípica. “Hauria de ser el públic –afegeix- qui opinés si li agrada veure aquests números”. En el seu recent informe sobre la situació de la Cultura a Catalunya, el Consell Nacional de la Cultura (CoNCA) demana una regulació sobre la presència dels animals als espectacles de circ i critica implícitament tots aquells ajuntaments, entre els quals hi ha els de Barcelona, Lleida i Tarragona, que han prohibit els números d’animals ja que ho han fet sense establir una”transició” que els permetés adaptar-se a la nova normativa. ElCoNCA, que assenyala que aquestes normatives municipals han “perjudicat”moltes companyies perquè no han pogut “esmorteir” un canvi tant radical, considera que caldria un “marc nacional de referència” que regulés per al conjunt del país la presència dels animals al circ.
A la imatge, una fotografia captada aquest Nadal a la plaça Monumental de Barcelona per Manel Sala Ulls del número de 6 cavalls que han prohibit a Cunit.  

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  1. This is such a great resource that you are providing and you give it away for free. I love seeing websites that understand the value of providing a quality resource for free. It’s the old what goes around comes around routine.
  2. Animal trainers have argued that some criticism is not based in fact, including beliefs that animals are hurt by being shouted at, that caging is cruel and common, and the harm caused by the use of whips, chains or training implements. 
  3. The exception to this are the enigmatic traces of the huge oval circus near Montaperti (Italy) which appears to be somewhat unique in that, in addition to its unusual combination of dimensions and shape, is not, apparently, close to any contemporary Roman settlement.
  4. There are many different acts in circuses. Some people do acrobatics and gymnastics. Often a group of gymnasts will finish up standing on top of one another in a pyramid. The gymnasts may also do jumping acts on trampolines. Some people are jugglers, throwing things in the air and catching them.
  5. There are many different acts in circuses. Some people do acrobatics and gymnastics. Often a group of gymnasts will finish up standing on top of one another in a pyramid. The gymnasts may also do jumping acts on trampolines. Some people are jugglers, throwing things in the air and catching them. 
  6. In the beginning of the eighties, after having been sent to the underground due to styles like disco and Brazilian rock, Samba reappeared in the media with a musical movement created in the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro. It was the pagode, a renewed samba, with new instruments, like the banjo and the tantan, and a new language, more popular, filled with slang. 
  7. Circuses and carnivals have played important roles in American life and imagination and continue to influence U.S. entertainment and popular culture. Although the two have separate histories, they share common elements, draw upon overlapping industry sectors and audiences, and have influenced one another for over a century.
  8. The New Circus movement developed simultaneously in France, Australia the West Coast of the U.S. and the U.K . There are typically no animals used in this type of circus and influences are drawn as much from contemporary culture as from Circus History.
  9. In addition to these major systems, virtually every circus school in the world – and to a lesser extent every circus arts teacher in the world – has, over time, developed their own pedagogies for teaching circus arts.
  10. The carnival of Mindelo, in the island of Sao Vicente is considered the most animated where a number of groups challenge each other for the yearly prize. The carnival of Cape Verde, especially of Mindelo, have witnessed in recent years considerable influences from Brazilian carnival traditions.
  11. While most of these pedagogies evolved to fit the needs, strengths and teaching styles of the individual school or teacher, some pedagogies evolved from more pragmatic approaches, with categories being based more on objectively defined criteria, and less on how the individual school or teacher approaches the teaching of the skills.
  12. However a good number of old-fashioned travelling circuses with their usual mixture of acrobat, clown and animal acts are still active in various parts of the world ranging from small family enterprises on the edge of survival to the three ring extravaganzas like Vazquez Hermanos Circus in Mexico.
  13. They have since moved to their new location on Beneva Rd. close to Ed Smith Stadium. Circus Sarasota is a non-profit production geared toward improving the perception of circus performers. A three-week performance is scheduled annually.
  14. The New Circus movement developed simultaneously in France, Australia the West Coast of the U.S. and the U.K . There are typically no animals used in this type of circus and influences are drawn as much from contemporary culture as from Circus History.
  15. When the Tabares family heard of the closing of Circus Vargas, the circus that launched their career, they were truly saddened. They became US citizens and launched Tabares productions to become the new proud owners of Circus Vargas. During their tenure they have brought back the family friendly feeling of the show, as well as steering away from wild animal acts and concentrating on the human spectacles.
  16. A competitive animal show may feature the best specimens of purebred animals in a locality or country. Prestigious shows or those with large purses (prize money) to be won may attract exhibitors from around the world.In some cases, particularly for horses and dogs, animals may be evaluated in various forms of competition to a performance standard, regardless of breed status. Extensive animal training is usually required prior to competition.

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