2 de setembre de 2011
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Fernando Pose i Daraomai mostren el seu talent al festival de circ de Terrassa

El malabarista Fernando Pose i la companyia Daraomai amb el seu espectacle 1,2,3 Poma han demostrat al festival de circ de Terrassa, que es va clausurar ahir amb un altre èxit de públic, que formen part del pilar del circ català actual. La tercera edició del festival, sota  la direcció artística d’Enric Petit, ha comptat amb una trentena d’artistes de 10 companyies i un pressupost de 21.000 euros, 4.000 més que fa un any. L’Associació de Veïns de La Maurina ha donat ple suport al festival, finançat per l’Ajuntament de Terrassa a través del Pla de Barris. La baixa a última hora de Los Two Play va obligar a improvisar un cabaret de circ. Marcel Gros es va burlar en el seu espectacle dels muntatges ensucrats de Cirque du Soleil. Per a properes edicions s’estudiarà convidar una companyia amb carpa. El festival de circ de Terrassa s’allunya molt del model del Trapezi de Reus, i aposta per convidar només companyies catalanes i també per obrir-se a tots els corrents de circ, inclòs el tradicional.

A la imatge, la dona barbuda (Marta Riba), envoltada de nens que li volien tocar la llarga barba, ahir a la plaça Assemblea de Catalunya de Terrassa.  

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  1. Each show is a synthesis of circus styles from around the world, with its own central theme and storyline. They draw the audience into the performance through continuous live music, with performers rather than stagehands changing the props.
  2. It is owned and operated by MGM Resorts International. Circus Circus features circus acts and carnival type games daily on the Midway. Circus Circus has the only RV park on the Strip providing additional accommodations in the 399 space park operated by Kampgrounds of America.
  3. Glastonbury Festivals is one of the largest contemporary festivals of performing arts. This festival compromise of music mainly and also there is lots more to experience. The festival is carried out on the picturesque valley of Somerset. This festival was carried out by a farmer Michael Eavis at the Worthy Farms since 1990. The valley is wide spread to a mile and a half long. The valley is surrounded by a fence, and inside the fence all the fun begins, unlike other festivals there is no such arena of entering the festival in a queue. 
  4. The circus has been part of everyone’s childhood. There is a certain magic that surrounds the circus which the mere name of it is enough to draw a big crowd. When the circus comes to town, young and old take time to see it. Now that circus schools are in fashion, a lot of people sign up in hope of reliving a childhood dream, a desire or perhaps to be part of that greatest show on Earth.
  5. It requires lot of time to organize a successful circus show and the people who are responsible of doing this are the circus agencies. Nowadays, you can easily get to see various circus agencies who organize these circus shows. 

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