11 de juliol de 2011
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Crítica de Call Me “Maria”

No hi ha dubte que AdriánSchvarzstein, director juntament amb l’actor Sergi Estebanell de Call Me “Maria”, vol repetir l’espaterrant èxit del circ català aconseguit amb Circus Klezmer. Tot i que li falta ritme en algun moment central i accentuar el paper de la suposada protagonista, Maria (Eva Szwarcer), el muntatge -una reflexió volgudament neutre feta a partird’una fotografia de Català-Roca sobre el xoc cultural entre catalans i mariners americans durant els anys 50- aconsegueix amb encert narrar el dia a dia d’un bar i ens regala moments de bon circ. Jeremías Faganel i Dídac Cano, en el paper de mariners de la sisena flota, estan esplèndids en els números individuals de perxa xinesa i diàbolo, respectivament; i amb la banda de quatre músics liderada per Adrià Gual aconsegueixen moments de gran intensitat. Matías Macri brilla en un altre dels millors instants de l’espectacle, els equilibris amb les cadires, i en les seves dues sortides a escena amb Irene Estradé. La parella fa uns finíssims i pulcres exercicis de mà a mà. Sergi Estebanell presenta un histriònic bàrman, paper que s’anirà alternant amb Schvarzstein. El muntatge, que acaba amb la cultura americana colonitzant-nos, és ideal per passar una bona estona i rememorar vells èxits dels anys 50, però decep en allò que ha caracteritzat, curiosament, la trajectòria de Schvarzstein: la ruptura de la quarta paret i l’esperit provocador. Schvarzstein, que venia del circ Ronaldo i es va donar a conèixer a Catalunya fent el personatge excèntric The Green man (L’home verd), és un mestre alhora d’aprofitar els espais i d’arribar al públic a través de les emocions. Li falta, a Call Me “Maria”,  només una mica més d’atreviment.

Directors: Adrián Schvarzstein i Sergi Estebanell

Dia i lloc: 9 de juliol de 2011. Mercat de les Flors

A la imatge, un moment del final de l’espectacle, dissabte a la nit.
Aquest article s’ha publicat als diaris El Punt i Avui: 


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  1. The difficulty on a static trapeze is making every move look effortless. It is like dance, in that most people of a reasonable level of strength can get onto the bar for the first time and do the tricks but an experienced artist will do them with much more grace and style.
  2. Triple trapeze refers to a number of different shapes and sizes of trapeze, including double trapeze, triple trapeze and larger multiples designed for use by multiple simultaneous flyers. Shaped trapezes are apparatuses that can take virtually any shape imaginable.
  3. The sword swallowing act is an ancient art that is performed by having a sword pass through the mouth of the performer down over his esophagus and right towards his stomach. Sword swallowing is among the most dangerous stunts or acts in the circus.
  4. Animal acts involve the trainer of a specific animal and the animal that the trainer trains. The animals that are used during animal acts are usually elephants, monkeys, sea lions, bears, lion, tigers, leopard, parrots, and other hard to tame animals. 

  5. juggling does not just have to involve your feet and thighs, but it can and should also involve your head and even your shoulders. However, this should only be tried by experienced jugglers after learning how to master juggling with your feet and legs.
  6. Look for an overweight professional juggler and you will not find one. This is because juggling is great physical exercise. If you cannot imagine getting a physical workout from juggling, it is because you are not a juggler yet.
  7. It’s great to be able to show the world your amazing technical juggling skills if you have some, but if you are performing in front of children, they are most likely to get enjoyment out of silly behaviour whilst juggling and even when you drop..
  8. You won’t find yourself juggling in almost any situation on the pitch but that doesn’t mean soccer juggling shouldn’t be trained. In fact, it’s one of the skills that are amongst the easiest to train and not only that, but you’ll also see the results very quickly.
  9. It is another attraction in a circus. Fire breathers are the people who perform this act. Fire breathers use a special kind of fuel that only ignites if it is sprayed from the mouth into the air in tiny mist. The mist form of the fuel makes the fire bigger and looks thrilling. Fire breathing requires proper fuel and skill to succeed.
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