Totxanes, totxos i maons

El Bloc de Joan Josep Isern

1 de setembre de 2019
0 comentaris

Final de vacances amb música (3): The Rolling Stones.

(La sèrie comença aquí)

Segurament haureu vist ja ‘Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’, la darrera pel·lícula de Quentin Tarantino. La història està ambientada a Los Angeles l’any 1969 i deixant de banda l’argument, que ara no ve al cas, el que vull destacar avui és l’encertada tria de músiques que acompanyen les dues hores i mitja de durada del film.

Una banda sonora en la que destaca una cançó dels Rolling Stones pertanyent a ‘Aftermath’, un disc de 1966 que és una veritable joia (l’enyorat Jordi Tardà deia que era la prova del foc per saber si estava davant d’un stonià de pro o d’un ‘parvenu’) i que amagada a la segona cara tenia una petita meravella titulada ‘Out of Time’, precisament la cançó triada per Tarantino per il·lustrar una seqüència important de la cinta… i curiosament desapareguda de la banda sonora original que podeu trobar en CD o a Spotify. Segurament no es tracta de cap oblit, sinó d’un simple problema d’adquisició de drets.

En tot cas, aquí teniu la cançó i a sota la lletra. Servei complet, doncs:

Out of Time

You don’t know what’s going on
You’ve been away for far too long
You can’t come back and think you are still mine
You’re out of touch, my baby
My poor discarded baby
I said, baby, baby, baby, you’re out of time

Well, baby, baby, baby, you’re out of time
I said, baby, baby, baby, you’re out of time
You are all left out
Out of there without a doubt
‘Cause baby, baby, baby, you’re out of time

The girl who wants to run away, discovers that she’s had her day
It’s no good thinking that you are still mine
You’re out of touch, my baby, my poor unfaithful baby
I said baby, baby, baby you’re out of time

Well, baby, baby, baby, you’re out of time
I said, baby, baby, baby, you’re out of time
Yes you are all left out
Out of there without a doubt
‘Cause baby, baby, baby, you’re out of time

You thought you were a clever girl giving up your social whirl
But you can’t come back and be the first in line, oh no
You’re obsolete, my baby, my poor old fashioned baby
I said baby, baby, baby you’re out of time

Well, baby, baby, baby, you’re out of time
I said, baby, baby, baby, you’re out of time
Yes, you are all left out
Out of there without a doubt
‘Cause baby, baby, baby, you’re out of time
Sing your song

Baby, baby, baby, you’re out of time
I said, baby, baby, baby, you’re out of time
Baby, baby, baby, you’re out of time

You don’t know what’s going on
You’ve been away for far too long
But you can’t come back and think you are still mine
You’re out of touch, my baby
My poor discarded baby
I said, baby, baby, baby, you’re out of time

Well, baby, baby, baby, you’re out of time
I said, baby, baby, baby, you’re out of time
Yes you are all left out
Yes you are, I said you’re
Left out of there without a doubt
‘Cause baby, baby, baby, you’re out of time

I said, baby, baby, baby, you’re out of time
I said, baby, baby, baby, you’re out of time
I said, baby, baby, baby, you’re out of time
I said, baby, baby, baby, you’re out of time
I said, baby, baby, baby, you’re out of time
I said, baby, baby, baby, you’re out of time

(Continua -i acaba- aquí)

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