Notices from nowhere

Democracy now finds there can be ample for all, but only if the souvereing fences are completely removed.

Is size important?

Seventieth place is good?. Doesn’t matter. Size isn’t important, to me. Small is beautiful. That is true but we have to insist on rights of Catalan people and our environment overall: in healthy, in education, in arts, in architecture, in design, in urban planning, in economy diverse and sustainable conditions. Even we must recognize interdependence among other peoples. Elements of humankind interact with and depend upon natural world. Whit broad views on diverse implications at every scale. Expand theses considerations to recognizing even distant effects that could affect us. We ought to accept responsibility for the consequences into decisions upon own society well-being. Viabilities of natural and energetic systems.

Own right shared to co-exist in the world. We need to create a safe state(s) –or three states– by long-term values. Now we have to rely on contemporary flows. Catalan societies should, like the living being world, derive our creative forces from perpetual work-income of persons. Our effort to teach and do understanding how we felt down under Spanish power might seek constant improvement by sharing knowledge among other slaved –or colonized- peoples. We are a natural experience to treat as model and mentor their. Not as an inconvenience to be evaded or controlled. Perhaps this is our dangerous condition in a hard World where all solved by war-power. If we are able to explain over the world our mission, for global equity, from Llull, Turmeda, Vives, Fuster, Xirinacs, etc.–till now so concealed— at now, we will be reached there.
PS: About last statements from Mr Garcia-Margallo on us we may only tell this character acts like a GREAT HAWKER OF SMOKE.

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  1. We are a natural experience to treat as model and mentor their.
    Perhaps this is our dangerous condition in a hard World where all solved by war-power.
    , derive our creative forces from perpetual work-income of persons.

    Què vol dir? Fa l’efecte que s’han perdut paraules pel camí. Has fet servir un traductor automàtic?

  2. Joan Porta:
    Abans de tot, gràcies. Segurament no vaig usar traductor. Una altra cosa és que foren els meus inicis en anglès i que no domine prou. Sóc molt atrevit !

    Nosaltres som una experiencia natural per a tractar-la com a un model i mentor seu (llur).

    Potser açò és la nostra perillosa condició en un món fort on tot es resol mitjançant el poder de la guerra.

    ….derivant de les nostres forces creatives producte del guany generat pel treball personal.

    Segurament ho vaig escriure en algún lloc i em vaig deixar part de l’escrit que faig en Word ajudat del corrector en anglès britànic pel tema de la sintaxi i alguna errada morfológica.

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