Notices from nowhere

Democracy now finds there can be ample for all, but only if the souvereing fences are completely removed.


We are crossing the bridge.

You stopped in the middle of it.

We saw the plants. Our steps slide thoungh vegetal earth, amongst palms or other trees. It is very stimulating to see that natural spectacle.

Therefore artificially done.

Everything is a mix of natural and artificial components.

You told me:

Look into Vinalopó River.

It´s the same due to your rules,

You must follow the lows.

Can you do this for me?

What does this mean?

Good behaviour.


Let me do it!

Dog’s bollocks!…hu,huhum

Shut up!

Let us keep walking.

You lead our way.

She looked at the sky!

Her fingers kindly feel the skin on my neck. Her hasty lips touch my ear.
‘ºUº’ kiss me right away.

Raining a lot of fire souls.

Water too. At a dry site, unusually.


We had been walking on the Palmerar

You took my hand lovely.

I hold hers strongly.


 You can follow in
 I’d read, to see or to listen more…(+)”

In the small distance rises Santa Maria’ Basilica.


A bell has rung.

We have arrived at Palau’s Street.

There is an old man.

He is sitting in a chair on a café terrace.

He smiles us. He made a little greeting.


He is singing a beautiful and sweet song.

We got to the MAHE.

It is a very great surprise. It is a very good building. It has been built beside and on the oldest ruins of Ilici. There are two museums. The old one with master pieces of iberian art and another new museum with a multimedia course on Elx’ History.

We spent two days there in a lovely investment.

In spite of the rainy day, it seems the sunshine holds up its forces.

We came back to our hotel room.

Life is fragile sang Isaac Hayes a long time in his Branded CD.

The life still smiles on us.

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  1. …es veu a vegades alguna cosa extraordinària, a mi van començar a ‘ferir-me’ en un viatge a Hol·landa en cotxe, aleshores vaig descobrir la bellesa de l’arquitectura que cerca connectar les persones concretes amb el paisatge, un pont és més que un pont, és una exploració, n’hi  de molt humils i n’hi ha que es converteixen en miradors de la història, i que ens criden a explorar després la superfície de lescoses!: m’ha agradat molt aquesta percepció del món/ I la música d’ Isaac Hayes ///En efecte, Never Can Say Goodbye! Salutacions cordials

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