
Això és el subtitel

* Pennywise

Publicat el 16 de maig de 2007 per frap

Quina punyetera gran cançó!

Aquesta cançó la va fer el baixista Jason Matthew Thirsk, co-fundador de la banda que als 28 anys es va suïcidar. La cançó està dedicada a ell, bé, jo diria que no només a ell, també a la vida:

"To our friend,

Present past and beyond

Even though you weren’t with us too long

your Life is the most precious thing you can lose

While you were here the fun was never ending

Laugh a minute only the beginning

Jason Matthew Thirsk, this one’s for you"

"Al nostre amic,
Present, passat i més enllà
Tot i que no va estar amb nosaltres molt de temps
La teva Vida és la cosa més preciosa que pots perdre
Mentre vas estar
aquí la diversió mai s’acabava
Riure un minut només era el començament

Jason Matthew Thirsk, això és per a tu"

Bro Hymn

To our friend,
Present past and beyond
Even though you weren’t with us too long
your Life is the most precious thing you can lose
While you were here the fun was never ending
Laugh a minute only the beginning
Jason Matthew Thirsk, this one’s for you

Wooooaoooah Woooah Woooah Wooah[repeat 3]

Ever get the feeling you can’t go on
Just remember whose side it is that you’re on
You’ve got friends with you till the end
If you’re ever in a tough situation
we’ll be there with no hesitation
Brotherhood’s our rule we cannot bend

Wooooaoooah Woooah Woooah Wooah[repeat 3]

When you’re feeling too close to the bottom
You know who it is you can count on
Someone will pick you up again
we can conquer anything together
All of us are bonded forever
if you die i die that’s the way it is

Wooooaoooah Woooah Woooah Wooah[repeat 3]

To all my friends,
Present past and beyond
to all those who weren’t with us too long
Life is the most precious thing that you can lose
While you were here the fun was never ending
Laugh a minute was only the beginning
Jason my brother this one’s for you.

  1. Aquesta canço es brutal. Era de les meves preferides en la meva adolescencia. Potser no tindra una gran melodia ni estara molt currada, pero et fa posar els pels de putna perque tots algun cop hem perdut una gran amistat i hem pensat el mateix, brutal.

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