
Això és el subtitel

* Damien Rice

Publicat el 3 de juny de 2007 per frap

Després d’escoltar aquesta cançó hi ha poques coses que es puguin escoltar que no sigui el silenci durant una estona. Quina intensitat!

I Remember

I remember it well

The first time that I saw

Your head around the door

‘Cause mine stopped working

I remember it well

There was wet in your hair

I was stood in stare

And time stopped moving

I want you here tonight

I want you here

‘Cause I can’t believe what I found

I want you here tonight want you here

Nothing is taking me down, down, down…

I remember it well

Taxied out of a storm

To watch you perform

And my ships were sailing

I remember it well

I was stood in your line

And your mouth, your mouth, your mouth…

I want you here tonight

I want you here

‘Cause I can’t believe what I found

I want you here tonight want you here

Nothing is taking me down, down, down…

Except you my love. Except you my love…

Come all ye lost

Dive into moss

And hope that my sanity covers the cost

To remove the stain of my love

In paper mache

Come all ye reborn

Blow off my horn

I’m driving real hard

This isn’t love, this is porn

God will forgive me

But I, I whip myself in scorn, scorn

I wanna hear what you have to say about me

Hear if you’re gonna live without me

I wanna hear what you want

I remember December

And I wanna hear what you have to say about me

Hear if you’re gonna live without me

I wanna hear what you want

What the hell do you want?

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  1. Ah! aquest Sr. Rice em posa els pels de punta!

    Ostres, Frap, em sap greu, però avui he descobert el teu blog i
    m’encanta, em té absolutament enganxat! I no puc parar de posar
    comentaris 😀 Sorrys, ja em controlo una mica, paraula. 😉  

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