
Això és el subtitel

En Johnny (Murder By Death – Brother)

Publicat el 22 d'agost de 2007 per frap

A en Johnny el busquen, però amb un somriure als llavis sempre s’esfuma de tots els indesitjables. Apareix i desapareix com un fantasma en la nit. Els bons temps han marxat i en Johnny no és el mateix, ni aquest lloc ni tampoc la nostra gent.

– Et busquen Johnny i duus amb tu un bitllet sense retorn a l’infern (ja saps que estàs massa lluny del cel).

– Ahir em van tornar a amenaçar, volen saber on ets Johnny, volen passar comptes amb tu i el teu passat, però tu saps Johnny, que no diré pas una paraula.

– Ara que estem aquí germà, a la barra d’aquest bar, aixeca una altra pinta i veu amb mi per oblidar, escoltarem aquestes cançons fins que es fagi tard i quan haguem acabat torna al teu amagatall i resa perquè no et trobin mai.

– Ei Johnny, si algun dia te’n vas, sempre et recordarem a la barra d’un bar.

"Sé que hi ha millors germans que tu però ets l’únic que tinc."

"Poden fer caure totes les meves portes però no diré una paraula."
"Catorze anys han passat des d’aquell dia i tanmateix res no ha canviat."

"I know there’s better brothers but you’re the only one that’s mine."

"They can knock all of my doors down but I won’t say a word."
"Fourteen years have passed since that day and still nothing has changed."

Murder By Death
– Brother

Fourteen years have passed since that day

Your stories are the same but the ends have all changed
You carried on like you were some type of god
Some things will never change

We went home to see our folks
We laughed and we told jokes
It was like we were young again
On that deathbed our mother lay
How long she’s got they still can’t say
It took all this to get us back together again

How long is this going to last
You can’t keep reliving your past
Screwing over the ones that you lone
In the name of some new drug
So brother, raise another pint
Rev up the engine and drive off in the night
See you somewhere some place some time
I know there’s better brothers but you’re the only one that’s mine
I know there’s better brothers but you’re the only one that’s mine

The bondsman came to my door early the next day
He said "I come lookin’ for you brother
You don’t know what kind of trouble that he’s in"

How long is this going to last
You can’t keep reliving your past
Johnny law keeps a poundin’ at my door
‘Cause you screwed up some new score

So he’s standing in the doorway like he owns the place
With a look of smug satisfaction on his face
I’m gonna give you up
Of that he’s sure as hell
But I take one look at him and I know I’ll never tell

So brother, raise another pint
Rev up the engine and drive off in the night
See you somewhere some place some time
I know there’s better brother’s but you’re the only one that’s mine

So brother, raise another pint
Rev up the engine and drive off in the night
I still look out for you no matter what you heard.
They can knock all of my doors down but I won’t say a word.
They can knock all of my doors down but I won’t say a word.

Fourteen years have passed since that day and still nothing has changed.

Murder By Death – Until Morale Improves

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