
Això és el subtitel

* Nick Drake

Publicat el 24 de maig de 2007 per frap

Day is Done

When the day is done
Down to earth then sinks the sun
Along with everything that was lost and won
When the day is done.

When the day is done
Hope so much your race will be all run
Then you find you jumped the gun
Have to go back where you began
When the day is done.

When the night is cold
Some get by but some get old
Just to show lifes not made of gold
When the night is cold.

When the bird has flown
Got no-one to call your own
Got no place to call your home
When the bird has flown.

When the games been fought
You speed the ball across the court
Lost much sooner than you would have thought
Now the games been fought.

When the partys through
Seems so very sad for you
Didnt do the things you meant to do
Now theres no time to start anew
Now the partys through.

When the day is done
Down to earth then sinks the sun
Along with everything that was lost and won
When the day is done.

  1. Molt bonic el senyor Drake, així, en general. Em sap una mica de greu
    que la seva aura de maleït de vegades li tregui protagonisme a la
    música, que és divina.
    A mi m’agrada particularment el primer disc, per lo aspre que és; però els altres dos també em fan patxoca.

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