Emigdi Subirats i Sebastià

Lletres ebrenques

14 de juny de 2024
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Translation of Fossil by Gerard Vergés


This fossilised snail from the Jurassic
(scientifically, a hundred million-year-old gastropod)
was as big as a fist and a perfect helicoid,
sexually hermaphroditic.
It lived within dense coniferous forests,
humid fern valleys
and beside a warm sea.
Once petrified,
it endured earthquakes, frosts, lava rivers,
marine currents, downpours, hurricanes,
squalls, tornadoes, meteorite impact.
Miraculously, the snail was still unscathed.
My nine-year-old angelic son,
almost casually,,
shattered it into a thousand pieces.

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