Emigdi Subirats i Sebastià

Lletres ebrenques

Footprints on earth (14)

22 de març de 2023

FATE Fate is the innate force of destiny. A steel game guiding us along stone wipe paths, Resting at solitary dead end alleyways. We know how to enjoy night with right silence, — Shadows caressing cots full of life — — Lengthened dim Lights in waterless fields — . We can appreciate when evil is

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Footprints on earth (13)

21 de març de 2023

GREEN EARTH Staring at the clear sky with whitest clouds We could see how the wind of all evils was fading. All of a sudden, it was getting a colourful day — chalky seagull, carob green — , The whole world was getting brightly-coloured. Countenances were being washed to boast beauty, Purest air was breathed,

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La Blanca, conte

20 de març de 2023

BLANCA – Vaig fent camí mentre tracto d’apaivagar el meu discerniment confús. Activo els ulls envers la immensa rojor del cel, embolcallada per un brancatge ufanós, bressolada pel vent i endolcida per la llum roginosa del capvespre. En l’instant en què l’astre rei renunciava a la seua ubicació presidencial, la Blanca deixava la carnisseria del

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Footprints on earth (12)

20 de març de 2023

SOME PEACE OF MIND I noticed what was going to occur, I did nothing though. I was not willing to move, felt like sitting in a shadow. I never fought for anything, nor look back or front, Hated the present times from the bottom of my heart. I worked, breathed and studied, sometimes even wrote,

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Rutes literàries vora l’Ebre

18 de març de 2023

Una ruta literària pren forma resseguint un indret per mitjà de la mirada d’un escriptor que ha sabut ordenar i descriure les seues emocions i les dels seus protagonistes a través de l’experiència del lloc. Pot esdevindre una activitat molt complexa per a l’exercici de la qual es necessita un bon raig d’imaginació, així com

Llegir més

Footprints on earth (11)

18 de març de 2023

GOOD NEWS Shall praise good news and sing melodies. Bye wars and blood, the sea is calm tonight, Welcome new hymns, true anthems of gaiety. Not flying on the air, not building the moon on earth, Walking in beauty like a cloudless night, Kissing new ways of living in starry climates. Hopes that my heart

Llegir més

Footprints on earth (10)

15 de març de 2023

HORIZON Path guiding my steps with healthiest horizon, As longings that life is building with the hope To belong to a nation that believes in its roots. We delivered the alphabet of austere sounds, This land with clear thrusts invokes the river’s echo. This country keeping the native language As a treasure with thousand values.

Llegir més

Footprints on earth (9)

14 de març de 2023

GOOD NEWS Shall praise good news and sing melodies. Bye wars and blood, the sea is calm tonight, Welcome new hymns, true anthems of gaiety. Not flying on the air, not building the moon on earth, Walking in beauty like a cloudless night, Kissing new ways of living in starry climates. Hopes that my heart

Llegir més

Footprints on earth (8)

13 de març de 2023

HORIZON Path guiding my steps with healthiest horizon, As longings that life is building with the hope To belong to a nation that believes in its roots. We delivered the alphabet of austere sounds, This land with clear thrusts invokes the river’s echo. This country keeping the native language As a treasure with thousand values.

Llegir més

Footprints on earth (7)

12 de març de 2023

CRADLES Listen to the wind as it gently cradles The yearnings of youth in the rustle! Teenage hearts are mirroring happiness In a few instants of peerless joy. The school is cunning linking home, In search of waves of brightness, And a sea of hope in what is to come. Under woodland pleasant voices resonate

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Conte Menahem (1)

11 de març de 2023

MENAHEM BEN SARUQ, lingüista jueu tortosí del segle IX De rostre esblanqueït i pigat, amb un nas aguilenc, Menahem Ben Saruq mostra els ulls grossos i verds com les maragdes, protegits per unes celles gruixudes. Els seus llavis són molsuts i rojos com una rosella. Duu els cabells llargs amb una certa ondulació. Un borrissol

Llegir més

Footprints on earth (6)

11 de març de 2023

STROLLING We were strolling along a busy avenue, — Lots of faces and windows and lights — , Staring discreetly at everything nearby. We are not sojourning in pernicious caves, Those ancient hells ruled by injurious winners. Some poems recall the greatest sorrows, Sharpening all the tools of fear, And singing the enduring nostalgias, With

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Preface Footprints on earth (5)

11 de març de 2023

THE VALUE OF POETRY I do believe the essential value of poetry should not only be sought in the development of a new metric and a different syntax, but also in the search for a new value for the word, reducing it to its essential elements. The poet ought to alter the verse, create new

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Preface Footprints on earth (4)

10 de març de 2023

NOT A NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKER All in all, first thing readers ought to bear in mind: I have been teaching the English language for decades, I am not a native speaker though. I mostly make use of my beloved native Catalan in my literary work. Consequently, it was quite a big challenge to try to

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Footprints on earth (5)

10 de març de 2023

FRONT VIEW I saw front view, consciously, what would happen But I didn’t move a finger. I was stock-still, unwilling, Facing a hereafter that no longer suited me. I’m not stone-made or fond of current times, Nor do I want to rewrite history. I breathe, work, study, write and concentrate. I don’t smoke or drink,

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