de Cal Peixet

Bloc d'en Sergi Franch i Segarrès

Publicat el 5 de juny de 2024

Psychology and Computers

Technology has an impact on or affects practically every aspect of modern life, and it’s no different when it comes to psychology. Just as technology affects how people behave and think, they also affect how they work psychologists also employ technology to investigate and understand mental illness, as well as to treat them. Technology aids psychologists in their research by allowing them to gather and analyze data much more quickly and precise than they otherwise be in a position to. Technology is an integral part of the field of psychological research and treatment. From using computers for imaging using fMRI, to developing electronic tools for tracking and evaluating symptoms in patients with depression or anxiety.

Technology can also impact the relationship humans have with the digital systems they interact with on a daily basis. Some of the most famous technology companies have large departments with psychologists that are experts in human cognition and perception. They conduct studies to study how users react to certain designs and then provide recommendations in line with their findings. In reality, the majority times you’re using a piece of technology, be it your phone or Facebook, you’re benefiting from collaboration between computer science and psychology.

At Notre Dame, Sidney D’Mello is one of many researchers working on the intersection between computers and psychology. His research is focused on “affective computing,” which is the study that studies how computers are able to recognize and interpret emotions. His team, for instance has created mathematical models that help a computer predict when someone is about to become angry or frustrated, so that it can take the appropriate action before the event occurs.

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