
retornava a casa


caminava pensant en les darreres paraules,
mots pronunciats.

teixia complicitats;
als petits veïns, els hi agradava cuidar-lo, donar-li de menjar, passejar-lo, pentinar-lo, jugar amb ell, fins que retornava a buscar-lo.

hi va anar directament, sense passar per casa, escrivia entre un munt de caixes, s’apilonaven…
enllestia el trasllat, amb inscripcions “per destruir”, “per classificar”…
ho feia amb l’eufòria, l’alegria de l’alba encara impregnada, 

ressonava en el seu cervell; celtic new year… 

li agradava de imaginar, somniar de llençar-se-li al coll, braços oberts, abraçar…
com ho fan els adults, nens…

ho vivia com una pèrdua, 
retornava a casa…

If I don’t see you through the week 
See you through the window 
See you next time that we’re talking on the telephone 
And if I don’t see you in that Indian summer 
Then I want to see you further on up the road 

I said, oh won’t you come back? 
I have to see you my dear 
Want you come back in the Celtic New Year? 
In the Celtic New Year 

If I don’t see you when I’m going down Louisiana 
If I don’t see you when I’m down on Bourbon Street 
If you don’t see me when I’m singing Jack of Diamonds 
If you don’t see me when I’m on my lucky streak 

Woa, I want you, want you to come on back 
I’ve made it very clear 
I want you to come back home in the Celtic New Year 
Celtic New Year 

If I don’t see you when the bonfires are burning, burning 
If I don’t see you when we’re singing the Gloriana tune 
If I’ve got to see you when it’s raining deep inside the forest 
I got to see you at the waning of the moon 

Said oh, won’t you come on back? 
Want you to be of good cheer 
Come back home on the Celtic New Year 

Celtic New Year, Celtic New Year 
Celtic New Year 
In the Celtic New Year 
In the Celtic New Year 

Come on home, come on home, come on home, come on home 
In the Celtic New Year

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