Raül Romeva i Rueda


Parliament wants to ban homophobic hatespeech & hatecrimes!

The European Parliament wants to outlaw homophobic crime and speech in the EU

March 14th, 2013

Today the European Parliament adopted a non-binding resolution on strengthening the fight against racism, xenophobia and hate crime. The text calls on the European Commission to add homophobia and transphobia to the list of EU-sanctioned hate speech and violence.

Since a 2008 Framework Decision, the European Union foresees specific, higher penalties for racist and xenophobic speech and crime. These measures are now in force in all 27 Member States and Croatia, due to join the EU on 1st July this year.

The European Parliament has today repeated previous calls to include homophobia and transphobia in the list of grounds covered by the next version of the 2008 Framework Decision, due for review this year.

Today’s resolution was exceptionally authored by all six main political groups, who agreed that ”expressions and acts of anti-Semitism, religious intolerance, anti?Gypsyism, homophobia and transphobia” should be punished by EU law, something the Parliament had already asked for.

The final text also calls on the Council to unblock the anti-discrimination Directive, blocked by Germany and conservative Member States for the past five years.

Raül Romeva i Rueda MEP, Vice-President of the European Parliament’s LGBT Intergroup, commented: “Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people face the same type of threats, violence and crimes across the EU. Racist and xenophobic crimes deserve specific punishment, and so do homophobic and transphobic ones: they target an entire group, rather than individuals.”

Sophie in ‘t Veld MEP, also Vice-President of the LGBT Intergroup, added: “Together with the Commission, we’re waiting for the results of the largest-ever survey on LGBT people’s lives in the EU and Croatia. Once these results are published, it will be up to Viviane Reding to translate them into effective change across EU policies.”

“I’m expecting the survey’s 93,000 respondents will have underlined how much hate they face, encouraged in some countries by political and religious leaders.”

The Fundamental Rights Agency will publish the results of its LGBT survey on 17th May, the International Day Against Homophobia.


Foto: Romeva, In´t Veld, Lunacek i Cashman, gravant missatge suport comunitat LGBT a Ucraïna. Font: LGBTI Intergroup of the European parliament.

  1. Benvolgut Raül,

    felicitats per l’aprovació de la resolució!

    Un matís, però. Dius que les mesures previstes en la decisió marc adoptada pel Consell de la UE el 2008 (i que havia de ser trasposta als Estats membres abans del 28 de novembre del 2010), “are now in force in all 27 Member States and Croatia”.

    Lamentablement, a l’Estat espanyol no és ben bé així. Una de les mesures que inclou la decisió marc és la consideració com a fet “punible com a delicte penal” “l’apologia pública, negació o trivialització flagrant dels crims de genocidi”. Doncs bé, el delicte de negació de l’Holocaust, inclós al Codi Penal espanyol del 1995, va ser anul·lat a l’Estat espanyol en una sentència del Tribunal Constitucional redactada el 2007 pel magistrat Eugeni Gay arrel d’un recurs del llibreter nazi gracienc Pedro Varela. Ara el ministre de Justícia, Alberto Ruiz Gallardón, preveu posar-se al dia de la legislació europea en la reforma del Codi Penal. Però Espanya, per ara, fa tard.

    T’ho comento perquè potser es rellevant per a la fabulosa feina que fas com a eurodiputat. Endavant!


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