Nessie School of Languages

Learning languages in Amposta

Le Barça, onze ans après

14 de maig de 2009
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Onze ans après son dernier sacre en Coupe d’Espagne, Barcelone a encore ajouté son nom au palmarès de la Copa del Rey. Face à Bilbao (4-1), les Catalans ont pourtant été rapidement menés au score. Mais ils se sont repris, et de quelle manière ! C’est le premier pas vers un possible triplé puisqu’ils vont

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10 de maig de 2009
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“Nostromo” is the story of a sailor named Nostromo, who left his own country, Italy, for a Latin American country, Costaguan by name, where he becomes respected by people there. From start to finish, Nostromo is so much concerned about his own reputation. All that he cares for is what other people say about him.

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9 de maig de 2009
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KIM (2)The journeyThe story begins when Kim teams up with a Tibetan lama who wanders into Lahore to look at the Buddhist relics in ‘The Wonder House’ (Lahore museum) with the ‘Keeper of the images’ (the curator). From then on the plot develops two strands which run in parallel, and to a large extent overlap:–

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8 de maig de 2009
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KIM (1) Kim embodies attitudes towards British rule in India which these days are wholly unacceptable and unpalatable.Kipling makes countless, rash and biased generalisations about India and its people which come from the adult narrator, and not from Kim himself. (for more examples see Said:– Said is best known for describing and critiquing “Orientalism”, which

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Superb Barca destroy rivals Real

4 de maig de 2009
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Barcelona have now scored 100 goals in the league this season and stand on the verge of their first La Liga title since 2006 By David Ornstein Barcelona romped to a 6-2 victory at fierce rivals Real Madrid to move seven points clear at the top of La Liga. Gonzalo Higuain headed Real ahead but

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E’ un Barcellona da paura. Lezione di Calcio al Madrid

3 de maig de 2009
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Nella partitissima della 34ª giornata della Liga, i blaugrana passano 6-2 al Bernabeu con gol di Henry (2), Messi (2), Puyol e Piqué. Per i blancos segnano Higuain e Ramos. Con questo risultato, la squadra di Guardiola mette le mani sul campionato: è a +7 a 4 turni dalla fine Puyol e i giocatori blaugrana

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Le Barça, comme un champion

2 de maig de 2009
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Cinq minutes. Le rêve du Real Madrid aura duré cinq minutes. Revenu à quatre points du FC Barcelone le week-end dernier, les Merengue, étrillés à Bernabeu par un leader désormais sur la voie royale (2-6), ont briévement entretenu l’espoir de tout relancer dans la course au titre. Bien entrés dans ce Clasico décisif, les Madrilènes

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27 d'abril de 2009
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1. D. HAMMETT Hammett was born on a farm in southern Maryland. His parents were an old Maryland family. He grew up in Philadelphia and Baltimore. Sam left school when he was 13 years old and held several jobs.[ Hammett turned to drinking, advertising, and eventually, writing. His work at the detective agency provided him

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26 d'abril de 2009
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Keats composed this while staying at a friend’s house, north of London. Every evening a nightingale would sing outside his window, and the bird’s singing caused Keats to reflect on sad memories. With “Ode to a Nightingale” Keats’s speaker begins his fullest and deepest exploration of the themes of creative expression and the mortality of

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St GEorge’s day

24 d'abril de 2009
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Apunt publicat al bloc English Corner del CEIP Port rodó de Campredó St George’s Day We celebrated St George’s Day, watching power points about English stories with Emigdi Subirats. The older pupils in the school watched “Ali Baba” and ” The Emperor’s New Clothes” created by Emigdi Subirats and the little ones watched the stories

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22 d'abril de 2009
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“THE LAMB” The poem begins with the question, “Little Lamb, who made thee?” The speaker, a child, asks the lamb about its origins: how it came into being, how it acquired its particular manner of feeding, its “clothing” of wool, its “tender voice.” In the next stanza, the speaker attempts a riddling answer to his

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14 April: The Catalan Republic

14 d'abril de 2009
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The Draft Constitution of the Catalan Republic of 1928, commonly known as the Constitution of Havana (the place where it was written), was born as one of several attempts to raise Catalonia  to the status of an independent state.In the period between the First World War and 1931, a number of factors contributed to the rise

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Bayern ohne Chance im Camp Nou

9 d'abril de 2009
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Der FC Bayern muss seine Hoffnungen auf das Halbfinale in der Champions League so gut wie begraben. Im Viertelfinal-Hinspiel unterlag der deutsche Rekordmeister am Mittwochabend einem in allen Belangen überlegenen FC Barcelona mit 0:4 (0:4) und benötigt für das Rückspiel am kommenden Dienstag in München schon ein Fußball-Wunder, um doch noch in die Vorschlussrunde einzuziehen.

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Poems for the Hanami in Paüls (Baix Ebre)

29 de març de 2009
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Today we are going to celebrate the poetic Japanese Hanami in cherry fields in Paüls. This is the translation of part of my poem “En terra roja” (In red land).   I know this corner of a melodic worldburied in a dream with blue roses. What is the sound of the night? A few kites illuminating the air. A spring fragrance alerting

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23 de març de 2009
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Mother’s Day was created as a day for each family to honour its mother, celebrated on various days in many places around the world. It complements Father’s Day, the celebration honoring fathers. It is a relatively modern concept, not to be confused with the 16th century celebration of Mothering Sunday, which is also known as

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